计划 天 在 的 博物馆
照片:詹妮弗·戴维斯(Jennifer B. Davis)
1. KidsQuest儿童博物馆
走出薄雾,前往东区,参观这个动手互动的儿童博物馆。您可能还记得这个有趣的地方位于Factoria购物中心,但是在2017年,博物馆搬到了Bellevue市中心的新家。趣味盎然,色彩鲜艳的展览适合0至10集,并强调科学,技术,工程,艺术和数学技能。孩子们喜欢在大型钻机,大型火车桌,中庭攀爬者,水廊或故事树中玩耍。参观博物馆的 每日日历 计划适合您的日程安排。您的小家伙们不想离开!
1116 108th Ave. N.E.
线上: kidsquestmuseum.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1432214” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/best-science-museums-for-kids/4239830450_b5679eb093_b/” data-orig-file =“ https:// redtricom。 files.wordpress.com/2017/10/4239830450_b5679eb093_b.jpg“ data-orig-size =” 1024,680“ data-comments-opened =” 1“ data-image-meta =” {“ aperture”:“ 0”, “ credit”:“”,“ camera”:“”,“ caption”:“”,“ created_timestamp”:“ 0”,“ copyright”:“”,“ focal_length”:“ 0”,“ iso”:“ 0 “,” shutter_speed“:” 0“,” title“:”“,” orientation“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“太平洋科学中心,西雅图,华盛顿” data-image-description =“
在PSC可以看到和进行的所有精彩活动中,一大亮点,尤其是对5岁以下人群来说,是大型海水潮汐池,您可以在其中看到和触摸原生的Puget Sound生物。孩子们也会在蝴蝶屋里欢欣鼓舞,大屏幕IMAX展示了最新的科学奇幻电影。不断进行的展览将激发人们的好奇心以及对地球和生物科学的热爱。
线上: pacificsciencecenter.org
照片: 丹尼尔·斯托克曼 通过flickr
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/4239830450_b5679eb093_b.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com /2017/10/4239830450_b5679eb093_b.jpg?w=1024“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1432214“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/4239830450_b5679eb093_b.jpg?w=891&h= 592“ alt =”“ width =” 891“ height =” 592“ />
避免降雨,将您的小爱因斯坦带到西雅图的顶级科学中心。 PSC不仅为天气提供了避风港,而且最重要的是,它为您的年轻科学家提供了探索PSC必须提供的众多科学,自然和文化奇迹的一天。在蝴蝶馆里嬉戏,在生物展览中摆放小动物,看看尸体是如何工作的,在科学操场上玩耍,或与恐龙嬉戏。在您访问期间,您将体验到更多以及更多!
线上: pacificsciencecenter.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1784959” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/childrens-museum-of-flight-seattle-with-kids/img_0140/” data-orig-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/img_0140.jpeg“ data-orig-size =” 2049,1537“ data-comments-opened =” 1“ data-image-meta =” {“ aperture “:” 2.2“,”信用“:”“,”照相机“:” iPhone 6s“,”标题“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 1541935409“,”版权“:”“,” focal_length“:” 4.15 “,” iso“:” 25“,” shutter_speed“:” 0.0019267822736031“,” title“:”“,” orientation“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“西雅图飞行博物馆” data-image- description =“
照片来源:Alaina Weimer
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/img_0140.jpeg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com /2018/11/img_0140.jpeg?w=1024“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1784959“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/img_0140.jpeg?w=860&h= 645“ alt =”“ width =” 860“ height =” 645“ />
照片:Alaina Weimer
从洒水冲刺而来,下雨天参观飞行博物馆。您的小额耳堡和林德伯格飞机将对他们要游览的全尺寸飞机,他们要探索的太空展品以及他们要征服的孩子的航空游乐区进行猛烈攻击。这个巨大的博物馆将使您束缚数小时,因为您的微型飞行员和宇航员了解飞行和太空中的所有事物。 s!在每个月的第一个星期四下午5点至晚上9点利用免费入场。
9404 E.边际之路S.
线上: museumofflight.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1896759” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/indoor-activities-for-rainy-day-seattle-kids/minecraft-at-mopop/” data-orig -file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/minecraft-at-mopop.jpg” data-orig-size =“ 3307,2687” data-comments-opened =“ 1” data- image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:”“,” camera“:”“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 0“,” copyright“:”“, “ focal_length”:“ 0”,“ iso”:“ 0”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0”,“ title”:“”,“ orientation”:“ 0”}“ data-image-title =” minecraft at mopop “ data-image-description =”
c:克里斯蒂娜·莫伊(kristina moy)
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/minecraft-at-mopop.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https://redtricom.files .wordpress.com / 2019/01 / minecraft-at-mopop.jpg?w = 1024“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1896759 size-large“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2019 /01/minecraft-at-mopop.jpg?w=1024&h=832“ alt =”“ width =” 1024“ height =” 832“ />
照片:克里斯蒂娜·莫伊(Kristina Moy)
4. MoPOP
从洪流中休息一下,然后跳到西雅图流行文化博物馆MoPOP,该博物馆位于太空针塔旁。这个博物馆充满了奇迹,您微小的好奇类型将不知道首先要检查什么。 MoPop不仅拥有Sound Lab中各种乐器的感觉,而且还穿越了科幻小说的复杂性,或者跳入了视频游戏的世界。对于所有那些Minecraft狂热者来说, 庆祝游戏十周年 到2020年9月7日为止,将在世界首演的展览中融合沉浸式活动,摄影操作,街机游戏等。
线上: mopop.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1632896” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/insiders-guide-to-seattle-aquarium/windows-on-wa-exhibit-crop-2/”数据-orig-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/windows-on-wa-exhibit-crop-2.jpg” data-orig-size =“ 568,366” data-comments-opened =“ 1” data-image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:” HP“,” camera“:”“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 0“, “ copyright”:“西雅图水族馆”,“ focal_length”:“ 0”,“ iso”:“ 0”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0”,“ title”:“”,“ orientation”:“ 1”}“数据-image-title =“在WA上的Windows展览作物2” data-image-description =“
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/windows-on-wa-exhibit-crop-2.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https ://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/windows-on-wa-exhibit-crop-2.jpg?w = 568“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1632896“ src =” https:// redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/windows-on-wa-exhibit-crop-2.jpg?w=930&h=599“ alt =”“ width =” 930“ height =” 599“ />
1483 Alaskan Way,59号码头
线上: seattleaquarium.org
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boy-diving-wave-e1412726939864.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https:// redtricom .files.wordpress.com / 2014/10 / boy-diving-wave-e1412726939864.jpg?w = 640“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-586876“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/ 2014/10 / boy-diving-wave-e1412726939864.jpg?w = 881&h = 587“ alt =”“ width =” 881“ height =” 587“ />
在雨滴中奔跑,并在下雨天添加Point Defiance动物园和水族馆,尽情享受乐趣。一个动物园?在冬天?为什么要这样做,因为Point Defence动物园有两个很棒的室内水族馆。高尾到太平洋海洋馆(Pacific Seas Aquarium),这个面积达35,000平方英尺的水族馆已有数年的历史,现在对您以及您的航海Nates和Nellies开放。与锤头鲨和海龟交融,与海星碰触,瞥见普吉特海湾的水域,并被月球果冻迷住。您和您的船员将很快淹没在海洋奇观中。尽享室内乐趣。
塔科马,WA 98407
线上: pdza.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1423061” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/where-to-play-on-non-school-days/seattle-childrens-museum-fb/”数据-orig-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/seattle-childrens-museum-fb.jpg” data-orig-size =“ 960,639” data-comments-opened =“ 1” data-image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:”“,” camera“:”“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 0“,” copyright“:” “,” focal_length“:” 0“,” iso“:” 0“,” shutter_speed“:” 0“,” title“:”“,” orientation“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“西雅图儿童博物馆” data-image-description =“
西雅图儿童博物馆(Seattle Children's Museum)拥有超过22,000平方英尺的游乐空间,专门为10岁以下的孩子设计。这里有许多动手操作的展览品和日常教育计划供孩子们探索。在COG City中了解运动科学,在Fort Adventure中建立史诗般的会所,假装自己是Global Village中的日本寿司大师,并在Imagination Studio中表达您的创造力。在博物馆参观最新的展览品-儿童大小的眼科诊所,旨在教给孩子有关眼部健康和安全的知识。有关程序的更多信息,请访问 每日日历。
很高兴知道:在博物馆楼上的西雅图中心军械库里有许多餐饮场所。如果天气晴朗,可以去野餐,坐在国际喷泉旁。西雅图中心是一个繁忙的地方,并举办许多活动和节日。看看 日历 了解您访问当天的期望。
西雅图,WA 98109
线上: thechildrensmuseum.org
费用:成人$ 11.50 /人儿童; $ 10.50 /祖父母;低于1免费。 年度会员 可用。
照片:西雅图儿童博物馆 Facebook页面
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/seattle-childrens-museum-fb.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https:// redtricom .files.wordpress.com / 2017/10 / seattle-childrens-museum-fb.jpg?w = 960“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1423061“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/ 2017/10 / seattle-childrens-museum-fb.jpg?w = 890&h = 593“ alt =”“ width =” 890“ height =” 593“ />
是的,太空针塔旁边的另一个以孩子为中心的绝佳去处,是玩弄雨天布鲁斯的理想场所。西雅图儿童博物馆拥有超过22,000平方英尺的游乐空间,里面有许多展品供您参观,以及免费参加节目和活动的入场费。到处乱搞,了解重力在Cog City的工作原理,打出戏剧《眼科诊所》(不需要瞳孔扩大!),制作各种艺术品,在迷你大都会市场中获得您最喜欢的点心。这是又一个下雨天的经典,肯定会占据您最卑鄙的流氓。
线上: thechildrensmuseum.org
<img data-attachment-id =“ 881149” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/just-opened-juzplay-kids/juzplaykids3/” data-orig-file =“ https:// redtricom。 files.wordpress.com/2016/01/juzplaykids3-e1482266418185.jpg“ data-orig-size =” 605,454“ data-comments-opened =” 1“ data-image-meta =” {“ aperture”:“ 2.2”, “ credit”:“”,“ camera”:“ iPhone 5s”,“ caption”:“”,“ created_timestamp”:“ 1452266636”,“ copyright”:“”,“ focal_length”:“ 4.15”,“ iso”: “ 100”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0.033333333333333”,“ title”:“”,“ orientation”:“ 1”}“ data-image-title =” JuzPlay Kids“ data-image-description =”
2016年,搜寻东区(Eastside)清新,新的游戏场所的家庭对 JuzPlay孩子。这个绝佳的游乐空间是邓丽芬(Stephanie Tang)的创意,她与姐姐一起建造了室内游乐场和派对空间,可与55英寸以下的孩子一起成长。无论是下雨天还是炎热的夏季喧闹声,这个室内游乐区都挤满了西雅图孩子,他们花了数小时与吉祥物Juzzy和Spila一起摇摆,滑行和攀爬。
线上: juzplaykids.com
照片:詹妮弗·戴维斯(Jennifer B. Davis)
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/juzplaykids3-e1482266418185.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress .com / 2016/01 / juzplaykids3-e1482266418185.jpg?w = 605“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-881149“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/juzplaykids3-e1482266418185。 jpg?w = 873&h = 655“ alt =”“ width =” 873“ height =” 655“ />
照片:詹妮弗·戴维斯(Jennifer B. Davis)
8. JuzPlay孩子
从水上乐园奔跑而来,准备让孩子们在JuzPlay Kids上尽情释放。这个可爱的室内游戏空间位于伊萨夸(Issaquah),非常适合年轻的孩子们。但不要让“可爱”一词欺骗您。实际上,这是一个体面大小的游乐区,里面充满管子,大小滑梯,球发射器,攀爬结构,隧道和移动游乐设施,非常适合在不太理想的天气里为您的小鹿娱乐几个小时。看着你的孩子在场边发疯,或者,花钱,带另一个父母朋友聊天,然后让你的小水牛漫游。
伊萨夸,WA 98027
线上: juzplaykids.com
在寻找可爱的小伙子和小伙子游荡的地方停放屁股吗?然后,在淋浴间闲逛,前往Play Date SEA。这个地方拥有巨大的游乐设施,发射球,快速滑道和高空攀登选项,是下雨天快乐的圣地。需要其他激励来检查吗? Play Date SEA拥有咖啡厅供您使用,不仅是爆米花和金鱼。他们提供了一个完整的菜单,其中包括适合儿童和成人的选项,例如比萨饼,色拉,薄饼和帕尼尼,以及鹰嘴豆泥和芝士棒以及咖啡和饮料(哼,妈妈和爸爸!)之类的应用程序。
PlayDate SEA
线上: playdatesea.com
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1790524” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/indoor-activities-for-rainy-day-seattle-kids/mill-creek-inflatable-playground-bounce- house-fun-zone /“ data-orig-file =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/Mill-creek-inflatable-playground-bounce-house-fun-zone.jpg“数据- orig-size =“ 800,500” data-comments-opened =“ 1” data-image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:”“,” camera“:”“,” caption“: “”,“ created_timestamp”:“ 0”,“ copyright”:“”,“ focal_length”:“ 0”,“ iso”:“ 0”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0”,“ title”:“”,“方向“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“米尔克雷克充气市场游乐场弹跳房乐趣区” data-image-description =“
图片来源:Arena Sports
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/Mill-creek-inflatable-playground-bounce-house-fun-zone.jpg?w=300” data-large- file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/Mill-creek-inflatable-playground-bounce-house-fun-zone.jpg?w=800” class =“ aligncenter wp-image-1790524 “ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/Mill-creek-inflatable-playground-bounce-house-fun-zone.jpg?w=912&h=570“ alt =”“ width = “ 912” height =“ 570” />
请点击 这里 找到离您最近的充气FunZone!
线上: arenasports.net
你猜怎么了?整个华盛顿州只有一个戴夫(Dave)和克星(Buster),我们在奥本(Auburn)拥有它!躲避飞沫,然后到D&B玩一个下午,到处都是小小的游戏玩家可以想到的街机游戏。在酒吧区外拿一张家庭餐桌(您可以随意留任,只要在展位上放一件外套,就声称它“直到您离开!”),然后放下您的小朋友,Pac-男士风格,可以根据自己的喜好来占用尽可能多的视频游戏时间(或者您的预付卡允许!)。除了小巧的Wreck-It Ralphs游戏外,这里还有狂欢节类型的游戏,此外还为船员中较大的Donkey Kongs提供了更复杂的游戏。既然已经有了那张桌子,那就抓住机会吃午饭吧,如果可以把孩子们拉回座位,那就是!
1101 Outlet Collection S.W.博士
线上: daveandbusters.com
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1423057” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/where-to-play-on-non-school-days/elevated-sportz-ultimate-trampoline-park- fb /“ data-orig-file =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/elevated-sportz-ultimate-trampoline-park-fb.jpg“ data-orig-size =” 960,642“数据-comments-opened =“ 1” data-image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:”“,” camera“:”“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 0“,” copyright“:”“,” focus_length“:” 0“,” iso“:” 0“,” shutter_speed“:” 0“,” title“:”“,” orientation“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“高架Sportz” data-image-description =“
您的孩子有无穷的精力吗?在高架Sportz蹦床公园度过美好的一天。蹦床提供大量的跳伞乐趣。查看泡沫坑,闪避球竞技场和篮球灌篮。对于年轻的寻求刺激的人,这里有一个6,500平方英尺的多层软式游戏结构。如果您不想跳,那就有Lazer Maze挑战赛,Wi-Fi休息室和街机游戏。现场咖啡馆可以为饥饿的跳线运动员加油,并为父母提供美味的意式特浓咖啡,而孩子们则可以放松身心。提前购买门票以确保入场和绕过路线。
线上: tallsportz.com
费用:多倍 机票选项 可用。
照片:高架Sportz终极蹦床公园和活动中心 Facebook页面
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/elevated-sportz-ultimate-trampoline-park-fb.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https ://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/elevated-sportz-ultimate-trampoline-park-fb.jpg?w = 960“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1423057 size-full“ src =” https ://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/elevated-sportz-ultimate-trampoline-park-fb.jpg?w = 960&h = 642“ alt =”“ width =” 960“ height =” 642“ / >
18311 Bothell-Everett Highway,Suite 140
线上: tallsportz.com
<img data-attachment-id =“ 787856” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/wunderkind-seattle/wunderkind-seattle-train/” data-orig-file =“ https:// redtricom。 files.wordpress.com/2015/08/wunderkind-seattle-train.jpg“ data-orig-size =” 640,427“ data-comments-opened =” 1“ data-image-meta =” {“ aperture”:“ 5.6 “,” credit“:”“,” camera“:” Canon EOS REBEL T2i“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 1438888705“,” copyright“:”“,” focal_length“:” 29“, “ iso”:“ 400”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0.0125”,“ title”:“”,“方向”:“ 1”}“ data-image-title =” Wunderkind Seattle Train“ data-image-description =”
艾莉森·拉斯穆森(Allison Rasmussen)
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/wunderkind-seattle-train.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https://redtricom.files .wordpress.com / 2015/08 / wunderkind-seattle-train.jpg?w = 640“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-787856“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/ wunderkind-seattle-train.jpg?w = 933&h = 623“ alt =”“ width =” 933“ height =” 623“ />
照片:艾莉森·拉斯穆森(Allison Rasmussen)
N.E. 3318 55街
线上: wunderkindseattle.com
照片:詹妮弗·戴维斯(Jennifer B. Davis)
14. Funtastic Playtorium- Factoria Mall / Alderwood Mall
Funtastic Playtorium绝对是较活跃,拥挤和狂野的游戏室内空间之一,它是Factoria购物中心(位于Lynnwood的Alderwood购物中心的附加地点)中一个宽敞,友善且随时可入场的场所。不要让乌云使您沮丧。前往这个空间来娱乐您最爬山,最溜滑的冒险家。在巨大的网状结构中,年龄不超过10岁的孩子可以挖洞,侧身,蹦蹦跳跳,爬行,爬升,爆炸和骑马。与较小的游乐区不同,很难一整天都在关注少年,但如果您需要冒险并成为英雄,它的结构对于成年人来说足够坚固。 Psst…为成年人和孩子们都提供手镯,以监控来来往往。
Funtastic Playtorium – Factoria
4077 Factoria Square Mall S.E.,Suite F-16
Funtastic Playtorium – Alderwood
3000 184th St.S.W.,Suite 676
照片: 野生动物园 通过Yelp
15.Westfield Southcenter购物中心– Safari Place
不要只是挂在宅基地上。请前往Westfield Southcenter的Safari Place,这是52英寸以下儿童的主要游玩地点。该设施配备了可移动的结构,带衬垫的表面,滑轨和一个球坑,可确保刺激您的搭档。因此,请穿破您的小天使,然后进行Nordstrom促销。 奖励:Westfield Southcenter也有一个 如果您需要快速的下车区来回踢一下,然后在下一站休息一下,那么可以在二楼的免费游戏空间玩!
2867 Southcenter购物中心(靠近JCPenney和H&M的2楼)
塔克维拉,WA 98188
线上: safariplayspace.com
Westfield PlaySpace
2800 Southcenter购物中心(Crazy 8和JCPenney位于1楼)
线上: westfield.com/southcenter/services/all-services/westfield-playspace/560
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1643650” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/shopping-malls-with-play-spaces/where-to-shop-and-play-wiggle-works/ “ data-orig-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/where-to-shop-and-play-wiggle-works.jpg” data-orig-size =“ 1038,692 “ data-comments-opened =” 1“ data-image-meta =” {“ aperture”:“ 3.5”,“ credit”:“”,“ camera”:“ Canon EOS 5D Mark III”,“ caption”:“ “,” created_timestamp“:” 946685024“,” copyright“:”“,” focal_length“:” 24“,” iso“:” 100“,” shutter_speed“:” 0.02“,” title“:”“,”取向“:” 0“}” data-image-title =“摆动Works-cc-Betty Rose Cortes” data-image-description =“
图片来源:Wiggle Works。 https://www.wiggleworkskids.com/locations/bellevue-wa/
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/where-to-shop-and-play-wiggle-works.jpg?w=300” data-large-file = “ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/where-to-shop-and-play-wiggle-works.jpg?w=1024” class =“ aligncenter wp-image-1643650” src =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/where-to-shop-and-play-wiggle-works.jpg?w=926&h=617“ alt =”“ width =” 926“ height =” 617“ />
16.Crossroads购物中心– WiggleWorks儿童
留下乌云密布,与您的小猴子约会,在Bellevue或Puyallup的WiggleWorks Kids扭动所有的摇摆物。这个柔软的室内游乐区,配有活动部件,是幼儿的梦想。而且,当柜台出现冷颤或在您玩耍时让您的小胆小宝贝暗中监视时,柜台旁的大吧台椅就轻松了。贝尔维尤(Bellevue)的第一个儿童游乐园(周一至周五每位儿童8美元)的平日入场费为10美元,其中包括一条腕带,因此您可以在商场里买东西,然后再回来买更多!
15600 N.E. 8th St,Suite F15
子午线3500 S,套房215
西澳大利亚州Puyallup 98373
401 N.E.诺斯盖特路(Old海军对面)
线上: simon.com/mall/northgate-mall
<img data-attachment-id =“ 1670184” data-permalink =“ https://redtri.com/seattle/shopping-malls-with-play-spaces/kids-cove-via-yelp/” data-orig-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/kids-cove-via-yelp.jpg” data-orig-size =“ 1000,750” data-comments-opened =“ 1” data- image-meta =“ {” aperture“:” 0“,” credit“:”“,” camera“:”“,” caption“:”“,” created_timestamp“:” 0“,” copyright“:”“, “ focal_length”:“ 0”,“ iso”:“ 0”,“ shutter_speed”:“ 0”,“ title”:“”,“ orientation”:“ 0”}“ data-image-title =”孩子的小海湾贝尔维尤广场” data-image-description =“
Shweta M.通过yelp
“ data-medium-file =“ https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/kids-cove-via-yelp.jpg?w=300” data-large-file =“ https:// redtricom .files.wordpress.com / 2018/04 / kids-cove-via-yelp.jpg?w = 1000“ class =” aligncenter wp-image-1670184“ src =” https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/ 2018/04 / kids-cove-via-yelp.jpg?w = 856&h = 642“ alt =”“ width =” 856“ height =” 642“ />
照片: Shweta M. 通过Yelp
如果云层覆盖使您和您的船员感到不安,并且您感觉到贝尔维尤广场(Bellevue Square)的游览将只是接机的门票,请前往位于3号楼的儿童湾rd 地板。该封闭式游乐空间适合42英寸以下的儿童使用,是带有趣海洋主题的攀岩玩具的家。有可以操纵的船,有可以渡过的渡轮,还有许多可以触摸和探索的海生物。还有足够的空间与您的妈妈或爸爸小队坐下来,在您的小家伙努力摆动时赶上来。附言…如果您无法从小海湾中走出来,请通过以下方式吸引他或她: Pinkabella纸杯蛋糕,位于游戏空间对面。
线上: bellevuecollection.com
在超级潮湿的日子里看电影似乎不费吹灰之力,但是和您的迷你电影迷一起看电影是一种讨人喜欢的事情,并且绝对应该在您的室内游玩清单中。 Check out what these family-friendly theaters have to offer and plan a day at the movies for the next weather-challenged day!
<img data-attachment-id="1788535" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/?attachment_id=1788535" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/kidsintheater.jpg" data-orig-size="3500,2333" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"INSIDER IMAGES","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York October 13, 2014. Insider Images/Andrew Kelly for New York Hall of Science (UNITED STATES)","created_timestamp":"1413226677","copyright":"Insider Images","focal_length":"85","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"New York hall of Sceince","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="For the Best 3-D: New York Hall of Science" data-image-description="
There is no shortage of 3-D movie theaters in this city, but one of the friendliest for kids can be found inside the New York Hall of Science in Queens. The theater is home to a 5.1 surround sound speaker system and a 22-by-12-foot screen. The theater’s programming includes fascinating award-winning science films that take kids on a journey to faraway places, such as the deep ocean, remote mountain peaks and outer space. The theater is currently showing “Flight of the Butterflies,” and “Planet Power.” While you’re there, check out over 400 exhibits and surprise your little scientist by signing up the entire family for one of the museum’s hands-on workshops. Tickets for the theater are $6 for adults and $5 for children, plus museum admission fee, which is but our general admission prices are $16 for adults and $13 for kids.
New York Hall of Science
47-01 111th St.
Corona, Queens
Online: nysci.org
photo: NYSCI
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/kidsintheater.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/kidsintheater.jpg?w=1024" class="aligncenter wp-image-1788535 size-large" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/kidsintheater.jpg?w=1024&h=683" alt="" width="1024" height="683" />
photo: NYSCI
19. Cinemark Theaters
Located throughout the area, Cinemark will give you and your mini movie lovers that quintessential movie experience. With nearby locations in Federal Way, Lincoln Square, and Point Ruston, there is probably a theater relatively nearby your area. Cinemark also offers discounted pricing and special showings, so check their website to see if your neighborhood theater participates and what discounts you can get your deal-seeking hands on. Psst…every Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Lincoln Square location parents and infants under age one can take advantage of the Mommy & Me showings, where parents and tots can watch current movies without having to worry about bothering other movie-goers with a fussy baby. Strollers are accepted and encouraged and the theater even leaves the lights on a bit brighter, so that parents can attend to their little one while they watch!
20. Regal Theaters
Throw a stone toddler-style and you will probably hit a Regal Theater. They’ve got locations all over Western Washington from Bonney Lake to Puyallup and Auburn, to Seattle, Tukwila, Renton, Redmond, Issaquah and Bellevue. There’s no doubt you’ve got a location close enough to easily pull your whole motley crew in and out of the drizzle. Check the Regal website for movie listings at your preferred location and don’t forget to check out their promotions link to see the Regal Value Days or if there are any buy one get one deals you can snag. Psst! If you’re a Regal Crown Club member, get 25% off candy every Monday or 50% off popcorn every Tuesday. Food for thought, quite literally!
<img data-attachment-id="1683029" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/roller-skating/skate-tiffany-2018/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/skate-tiffany-2018.jpg" data-orig-size="960,720" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Skate Tiffany’s – Roller Skating & Family Fun Center" data-image-description="
fb page
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/skate-tiffany-2018.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/skate-tiffany-2018.jpg?w=960" class="aligncenter wp-image-1683029" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/skate-tiffany-2018.jpg?w=923&h=693" alt="" width="923" height="693" />
photo: Skate Tiffany’s Roller Skating & Family Fun Center Facebook page
21. Rolling With Your Homies
Does your bevy of babes need more than a movie to get the energy out? What about a day at the roller rink? Strap on those rad rollers and get your giddy gliders out on the floor! There are several family-centric roller rinks around the area that are just waiting to take the brunt of your beginning skater’s flails. Seattle, Bremerton, Auburn, Federal Way, Lynnwood, Everett, Marysville, and Puyallup all have skate centers perfect for getting rid of the drizzle downers. Click here for all the insider details and tips on these local rinks. Then, get out there and show your budding bladers how it’s really done!
Hit Up Your Local Bookstore
Seriously, what’s more cozy than a bookstore when it’s raining? Hmm, not much. The next time you’ve got to get your bouncing-off-the-walls bambino outta the abode when Mother Nature rears her head, consider one of these amazing local bookstores. Here are some of our favorites for your drizzly day trip. And be sure to click here for even more bookstore beauties.
<img data-attachment-id="1410474" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/?attachment_id=1410474" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/elliott-bay-book-company.jpg" data-orig-size="1000,750" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Elliott Bay Book Company" data-image-description="
Nestled in the center of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, The Elliott Bay Book Company is a full service bookstore, home to over 150,000 titles. And the bookstore features one of our area’s best selection of new books, including a stellar collection of children’s books and graphic novels. The bookstore has great character and an inviting atmosphere for book lovers of all ages. If you have a tween or teen, check out the Underground YA Book Group. The friendly and helpful staff can help you find the perfect book or spend time scanning the shelves to find something that strikes your fancy. While you’re there, be sure to visit Little Oddfellows, the cozy, in-house café that offers baked goods, sandwiches, coffee from Caffe Vita and beer and wine for the more mature patrons.
Bonus: Need a sweet treat to cool you down? Head next door and get your ice cream fix at Molly Moon’s, a local favorite that serves up homemade ice cream using local ingredients and sustainable practices.
1521 10th Ave.
Seattle, Wa 98122
Phone: (206) 624-6600
线上: elliottbaybook.com
Hours: Mon–Thurs., 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sun., 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
photo: Elliott Bay Book Company Facebook page
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/elliott-bay-book-company.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/elliott-bay-book-company.jpg?w=1000" class="aligncenter wp-image-1410474" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/elliott-bay-book-company.jpg?w=979&h=735" alt="" width="979" height="735" />
photo: Elliott Bay Book Company
22. Elliott Bay Book Company
Clouds moving in? Head over to Capitol Hill and visit the Elliott Bay Book Company. It’s a full service bookstore, home to over 150,000 titles, and features one of our area’s best selections of new books, including a stellar collection of children’s books. The bookstore has great character and an inviting atmosphere for book lovers of all ages. If you have a tween or teen, check out the Underground YA Book Group. The friendly and helpful staff can help you find the perfect book or spend time scanning the shelves to find something that strikes your fancy. While you’re there, be sure to visit Little Oddfellows, the cozy, in-house café that offers baked goods, sandwiches, coffee from Caffe Vita and beer and wine for the more mature patrons.
Elliott Bay Book Company
1521 10th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122
线上: elliottbaybook.com
<img data-attachment-id="1410476" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/?attachment_id=1410476" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/third-place-books.jpg" data-orig-size="720,479" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Third Place Books" data-image-description="
Third Place Books is more than a bookstore; it’s a community gathering place where families, friends, and neighbors can connect over a love of books. With three Seattle-area locations, you can find one close by that has just what you’re looking for. The flagship store in Lake Forest Park offers a large public commons, three restaurants (including the can’t-miss Honey Bear Bakery), free WiFi and a jam-packed events calendar。 Founded in 1998, the bookstore is home to over 200,000 new, used and bargain books with something for everyone.
Third Place Books is known for bringing big name authors in for special events, readings and book signings. They host weekly story times for tots and a teen book club for more mature readers. Wander through the aisles of bookshelves and don’t forget to pick up a homemade pastry to pair with your selection. The Ravenna and Seward park locations also serve up delicious food and drink with their extensive book collections. At the Ravenna location, check out the books and enjoy Vios Café, a full-service Mediterranean restaurant (complete with a full kid’s menu). At all locations, Third Place Books encourages its patrons to read, relax, eat, play and most importantly, have fun.
Good to know: Save the Seward Park location for date night – grab a coffee at the café, dinner at Raconteur, a restaurant highlighting New American cuisine, or head downstairs to the bar where you can have a cocktail while watching the Hawks game or attending trivia night. What could be better than books and a bar under one roof?!
Lake Forest Park
17171 Bothell Way N.E.
Lake Forest Park, Wa 98155
Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sun., 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
6504 20th Ave N.E.
Seattle, Wa 98115
Hours: Sun.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Seward Park
5041 Wilson Ave S.
Seattle, Wa 98118
Hours: Daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
photo: Third Place Books Lake Forest Park Facebook page
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/third-place-books.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/third-place-books.jpg?w=720" class="aligncenter wp-image-1410476" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/third-place-books.jpg?w=908&h=603" alt="" width="908" height="603" />
photo: Third Place Books Lake Forest Park Facebook page
23. Third Place Books
Third Place Books is more than a bookstore; it’s a community gathering place where families, friends, and neighbors can connect over a love of books and playfully lament over the lack of sun. With three Seattle-area locations, you can find one close by that has just what you’re looking for. The flagship store in Lake Forest Park offers a large public commons area, three restaurants, free WiFi and a jam-packed events calendar. Moms and dads, perch yourself at the half-wall, hit up the Honey Bear Bakery and let your toddlers giggle with glee in the safe, enclosed play space. Then, consider breaking up the day with story time at the Lake Forest Park library (just below the bookstore) where kids can participate in toddler story time on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. or hear stories for preschoolers on Wednesdays at 11 a.m.
Town Center at Lake Forest Park
17171 Bothell Way N.E.
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
线上: thirdplacecommons.org
24. Secret Garden Bookshop
Just off bustling Market Street in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood, you’ll find Secret Garden Books. This full-service, independent bookstore offers something for everyone, but their primary focus is children’s literature. Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, this neighborhood icon continues to expand its positive impact on our local community by featuring author visits, cultural events and book fairs. The knowledgeable staff includes longtime booksellers who are ready to help pick out books for all readers. And they offer two special book groups for young readers: The Young Readers Society for ages 8–11 and the Teen Book Club for ages 11–14. For the wee ones, there are toddler-sized tables perfect for looking at books. Stop by and peruse the shelves (and shelves!) of books that are waiting to spark your child’s imagination.
Secret Garden Books
2214 N.W. Market St.
Seattle, WA 98107
线上: secretgardenbooks.com
<img data-attachment-id="1410508" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/?attachment_id=1410508" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/university-bookstore.jpg" data-orig-size="4032,3024" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 6s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1505225456","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.15","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="University Bookstore" data-image-description="
You don’t have to be a Husky to enjoy the University Bookstore. Yes, the store is filled to the brim with purple and gold, but it also boasts an amazing children’s lit department. The UW Bookstore’s original mission was to support the university, but it’s morphed into a Seattle-area favorite, serving every reader from college student to preschooler. Different locations around the area offer different events for kids.
The main U-District location hosts dramatic readings of the best in new and class kids’ books, as well as a graphic novel book club geared towards future cartoonists and comic book fans the second Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. The Mill Creek location hosts a summer reading program and weekly story time, complete with refreshments for readers ages 3–7 on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. You bring the kids and they’ll provide the activities and entertainment. Event calendars are always changing for all locations, so check out what’s happening in your neighborhood before visiting the store.
Bonus: The bookstore also stocks an extensive supply of gift items. And don’t forget to stock up on your purple and gold swag in the Husky Shop!
To find a location near you, click 这里。
photo: Abbey McGee
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/university-bookstore.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/university-bookstore.jpg?w=1024" class="aligncenter wp-image-1410508" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/university-bookstore.jpg?w=987&h=741" alt="" width="987" height="741" />
photo: Abbey McGee
25. University Bookstore
You don’t have to be a Husky to enjoy the University Bookstore. Yes, the store is filled to the brim with purple and gold, but it also boasts an amazing children’s lit department. Don your raincoats and head to the UW Bookstore which has morphed into a Seattle-area favorite, serving every reader from college student to preschooler. The main U-District location hosts dramatic readings of the best in new and class kids’ books, as well as a graphic novel book club geared towards future cartoonists and comic book fans the second Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. The Mill Creek location hosts a weekly story time, complete with refreshments for readers ages 3–7 on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. Check the calendar at your go-to location for what’s on the ever-changing agenda.
To find a location near you, click 这里。
Go Swimming!
26. Indoor Pools
Dreaming about lounging by the pool? Grab your pool floats, goggles and cooped up kids and head to one of our favorite indoor pools for lots of energy burning fun. It’s an easy and fun way to banish those rainy day blues. Click here for the all the deets!
<img data-attachment-id="1420492" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/indoor-swimming-in-seattle/dsc_7201/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/dsc_7201.jpg" data-orig-size="4067,3254" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"","camera":"NIKON D7200","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1485025690","copyright":"","focal_length":"92","iso":"1000","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="snohomish aquatic center" data-image-description="
credit: snohomish school district
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/dsc_7201.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/dsc_7201.jpg?w=1024" class="aligncenter wp-image-1420492 size-large" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/dsc_7201.jpg?w=1024&h=819" alt="" width="1024" height="819" />
photo: Snohomish School District
Pass the Day With Pottery
Hey, mini Monets! You know what’s a fab way to brighten a gray day? Throw some art in it! It can be sunny inside even if it isn’t on the outside. Consider taking your angels to a create-your-own-pottery studio the next time it downpours or when the wee ones are going cuckoo. Check out these amazing art studios below or click here for additional shops and details!
<img data-attachment-id="546251" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/places-to-paint-pottery/paintingpottery-colormeminefb/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/paintingpottery-colormeminefb.jpg" data-orig-size="640,480" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":""}" data-image-title="Color Me Mine " data-image-description="
How it works: This cheery spot in the Mill Creek Town Center offers you and your tots (all ages welcome—they even have high chairs for the Littles) the chance to create a pottery masterpiece in a fun setting. Studio fees are only $6/kids and $8/adults, and pottery averages $14, plus you can come back as many times as you want to finish your creation with no additional fees (perfect for moms of wee ones who can only handle an hour of art time). Just pick up your glazed and fired piece in a week’s time and you’ll have a keepsake to treasure for years.
Events: Although their summer camp is over, there are still tons of fun, kid-friendly events at Color Me Mine this summer. Every first Friday from 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m., drop your budding artists off for Kids’ Night Out. Kids 4-15 years can do art, play games, make new friends and eat pizza and drink lemonade while you shop the Mill Creek Town Center, have a date night, or just take a kid-free breather. Price: $25/kid, includes pottery up to $15.
Time to celebrate: Party time at Color Me Mine makes your kiddo’s next birthday party a snap! Kids ages 3 and older can choose from three party packages, ranging from a Basic Package that includes two hours of studio time, a $14 piece of pottery per kid, face painting and balloons to the Super Deluxe Package, which offers two hours of studio time, a $14 piece of pottery per kid, themed decorations, pizza and drinks, face painting, goody bags and a Birthday Plate for your kiddo. The staff provides all the set up and clean up—you just provide the guests and the cake. They even offer online party invitations. Birthdays are a snap at Color Me Mine!
Important party details: $23-$34/kid depending on the package; 8-22 guests. A $50 deposit is required at time of booking.
Good to know: Color me Mine has a calendar of events chock full of fun. From Tuesday 2 for 1 specials to Saturday PJ Nights, where you get free popcorn and studio time if you wear your PJs, this is the place to be for art-tastic summertime fun!
15603 Main St, #105
Mill Creek, Wa 98012
线上: millcreek.colormemine.com
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/paintingpottery-colormeminefb.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/paintingpottery-colormeminefb.jpg?w=640" class="aligncenter wp-image-546251" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/paintingpottery-colormeminefb.jpg?w=958&h=719" alt="" width="958" height="719" />
photo: Color Me Mine-Mill Creek Facebook page
27. Color Me Mine
This cheery (not dreary!) spot in the Mill Creek Town Center offers you and your tots (all ages welcome—they even have high chairs for the Littles) the chance to create a pottery masterpiece in a fun setting. Studio fees are only $6/kids and $8/adults with pottery averaging $14, plus you can come back as many times as you want to finish your creation with no additional fees (perfect for moms of wee ones who can only handle an hour of art time). Just pick up your glazed and fired piece in a week’s time and you’ll have a rainy day keepsake to treasure for years.
Color Me Mine
15603 Main St, #105
Mill Creek, WA 98012
线上: millcreek.colormemine.com
<img data-attachment-id="546245" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/places-to-paint-pottery/painting-pottery-mudhouse/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/painting-pottery-mudhouse.jpg" data-orig-size="640,427" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":""}" data-image-title="Mudhouse Pottery Painting " data-image-description="
How it works: This relaxed studio in Gilman Village offers daily hours for all your pottery painting needs. There are no studio fees, and their prices range from $12 to $45, depending on the piece you choose. Their friendly staff will help you with your arty ideas, and when you’ve completed your masterpiece, they’ll glaze it, fire it and have it ready for pickup in 7 days. No need to make a reservation—just stop on by anytime!
Camps and classes: Summer camps have come to Mudhouse. Whether you are looking for a one day option or a week-long event, Mudhouse offers a variety of themes. Day camps are every other Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and week camps run every other week Mon.-Thurs. from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Kids will do two to seven projects depending on the camp, including pottery painting and other fun crafts. Just pack a sack lunch and your kiddo’s imagination! Price: Day camp is $75/kid; week camp is $195/kid.
Time to celebrate: Birthdays rock at Mudhouse! They offer a variety of two hour time slots Mon.-Sat. from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and include themes like Princess, Hairy (yes, Hairy) Potter and Rockstar, or let your Little choose her own theme. You bring the food and decorations, and patient Mudhouse staff will provide the creativity and a birthday plate for the birthday kid!
Important party details: There is a minimum pottery purchase of $14.50/kid, 10 guest minimum. A $50 deposit is required at time of booking.
Good to know: Mudhouse is conveniently located in Gilman Village, which offers a plethora of restaurants, shops and even a spa and toy store to make mamas and kiddos happy!
317 N.W. Gilman Blvd.
Issaquah, Wa 98027
Onlilne: mudhousepottery.com
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/painting-pottery-mudhouse.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/painting-pottery-mudhouse.jpg?w=640" class="aligncenter wp-image-546245" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/painting-pottery-mudhouse.jpg?w=881&h=588" alt="" width="881" height="588" />
photo: Mudhouse Pottery
28. Mudhouse Pottery Painting
This relaxed studio in Gilman Village offers daily hours for any time the pottery painting bug bites you. There are no studio fees and their prices range from $12 to $45, depending on the piece you choose. Their friendly staff will also help you with your arty ideas, and when you’ve completed your masterpiece, they’ll glaze it, fire it and have it ready for pickup in 7 days. No need to make a reservation—just stop on by anytime, rain or shine!
Mudhouse Pottery Painting
317 N.W. Gilman Blvd.
Issaquah, WA 98027
线上: mudhousepottery.com
29. Paint Away
When the rain, rain won’t go away, step out and head to Paint Away, your one stop shop for everything arty. Conveniently located in Redmond Town Center, Paint Away’s pottery prices include studio fees and glazing and firing of your bisqueware piece within a week. If you want to try something new, check out their glass-fusing center, which is a unique way to create an art-tastic piece for yourself or as a gift. You start with a blank glass base and create a design on top with smaller glass pieces. They even have “kiddie glass” which is glass that’s been fired to give it rounded, smooth edges, perfect for little fingers.
Paint Away
7329 164th Ave. N.E.
Redmond, WA 98052
线上: paintawaynow.com
<img data-attachment-id="546242" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/places-to-paint-pottery/kid-pottery2/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/kid-pottery2.jpg" data-orig-size="640,480" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.4","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 4S","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1378566705","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.28","iso":"80","shutter_speed":"0.05","title":""}" data-image-title="Paint the Town" data-image-description="
How it works: This ideally located paint your own pottery place in U Village offers up a wide variety (as in 250!) do it yourself painting options, from mugs to bowls, figurines to picture frames, in prices ranging from $6 to $60. One price includes the piece you choose, and all paints, glazing and firing of your piece. Best of all, you can drop in anytime during business hours to create your masterpiece, and when you’re done, they’ll glaze and fire it for you—just return in seven days to pick up the finished product.
Camps and classes: This place is summer camp central. Running almost weekly through August 29, 2014, (Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), these camps will thrill your little artist, with fun creations like fairy houses and tote bags, dragons and pirate ships. Drop your kiddos ages 6-9 or 9-13 off and spend your mornings perusing the shops in the Village, getting a mani-pedi at nearby mommy-friendly Julep or having an early lunch. Price: $192/week.
Time to celebrate: Paint the Town’s party room is ready for a gaggle of partiers who want to paint. Choose your theme, pick you pieces and prepare to have fun! You can bring any food, drinks and decorations you’d like, and Paint the Town will provide a staff member dedicated to your party, as well as goody bags, pretty ceramic party plates and a signature plate for the party kid. You’ll also receive a coupon for 10% off goodies from Village kid-friendly shops like Menchie’s, Trophy Cupcakes and Elemental Pizza when you book your party. And best of all, they do the clean up! Could it get any easier?
Important party details: You must have a minimum pottery total of $130, goody bags extra. Minimum of 6 people, maximum of 20 (seating for 12). Parties run 1.5-2 hours.
Good to know: Paint the Town offers daily specials, from Muggy Mondays (15% off all mugs) to Tiny Tot Tuesdays (all painters 15 and under get 15% off), January-October. Combined with their nearly monthly Village Playdates (none in July and August because of Summer Camps), this painting place is sure to keep your Littles busy all summer long!
4611 Village Ct. N.E.
Seattle, Wa 98105
线上: ceramics-painting.com
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/kid-pottery2.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/kid-pottery2.jpg?w=640" class="aligncenter wp-image-546242" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/kid-pottery2.jpg?w=874&h=656" alt="" width="874" height="656" />
Seattle, Wa 98105
线上: ceramics-painting.com
photo: Allison Sutcliffe
30. Paint The Town
It’s raining, it’s pouring, what will you do in the morning? Paint The Town! This ideally located paint your own pottery place in U Village offers up a wide variety (as in 250!) do it yourself painting options, from mugs to bowls, figurines to picture frames, in prices ranging from $6 to $60. One price includes the piece you choose and all paints, glazing and firing of your piece. Best of all, you can drop in anytime during business hours to create your masterpiece.
Paint The Town
4611 Village Ct. N.E.
Seattle, WA 98105
线上: ceramics-painting.com
Visit an Art Store
If you are filled to the brim with vases and mugs, consider these venues for a day of art classes and crafting. Your eager artists will adore exploring and getting their creative curiosity piqued at these toy/project/art studio hybrid stores. The kids will stay dry during the day, but we can’t guarantee they will stay paint free! Check out these places below or click here for additional artsy fartsy options!
<img data-attachment-id="476785" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/indie-toy-stores/curious-kidstuff-2/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/curious-kidstuff.png" data-orig-size="600,447" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":""}" data-image-title="Curious Kidstuff" data-image-description="
Curious Kidstuff’s interactive displays and train tables make it a shopping trip your kids will want to go on for a change. You’ll find wooden and green toys for little ones (birth to age 12) as well as travel toys, science toys, pull and push toys and detective and spy gear at the more than 18-year-old West Seattle store, as well as balance bikes, dollhouses and trampolines. Plus, the more than 3,000-square-foot space hosts birthday parties in a room complete with decorations, an art activity and cool take-home favor bags for guests.
4740 California Ave. S.W.
Seattle, Wa 98116
线上: curiouskidstuff.com
photo: Curious Kidstuff
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/curious-kidstuff.png?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/curious-kidstuff.png?w=600" class="aligncenter wp-image-476785" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/curious-kidstuff.png?w=1052&h=784" alt="" width="1052" height="784" />
photo: Curious Kidstuff
31. Curious Kidstuff
Originally 3,000 square feet of glorious toy store goodness (providing non-violent and green toys), this popular store in the West Seattle Junction has expanded to include toddler, preschool and elementary art classes. Curious Kidstuff currently offers two all ages classes on Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m.–11 a.m. for $12. Or stop by the store during regular business hours and let your petite Picasso participate in hands-on play with the many tables set up around this fully engaging store.
Curious Kidstuff
4740 California Ave. S.W.
Seattle WA 98116
线上: curiouskidstuff.com
<img data-attachment-id="1037690" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/socal/hot-spots-for-back-to-school-shopping/lakeshore-learning-1/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/lakeshore-learning-1.jpg" data-orig-size="591,474" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.4","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.28","iso":"64","shutter_speed":"0.041666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="Lakeshore Learning" data-image-description="
If you want to go where the teachers go for their school supplies, you have to check out Lakeshore Learning. It’s got all the latest tools to enhance education along with all the basics that are on your school supply list. If you happen to stop by on a Saturday between 11 a.m and 3 p.m. your kiddo can enjoy a themed-craft activity. We can’t think of a better way to get ready for the school days ahead.
7510 Hazard Center Dr.
San Diego, Ca 92108
线上: lakeshorelearning.com
Photo: Leah Singer
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/lakeshore-learning-1.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/lakeshore-learning-1.jpg?w=591" class="aligncenter wp-image-1037690 size-full" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/lakeshore-learning-1.jpg?w=591&h=474" alt="" width="591" height="474" />
photo: Leah Singer
32. Lakeshore Learning
Not only does Lakeshore Learning have one of the largest assortments of learning toys, games, books and projects (and extremely knowledgeable and helpful staff), they offer drop in, no reservation required free craft projects every Saturday. Stop by the store anytime between 11 a.m.–3 p.m. with your determined DaVinci (3 & older) and craft away. Their website has a great calendar listing of projects for the month, ranging from butterflies to lions and chicks–oh my!
Lakeshore Learning
11027 N.E. 4th St.
Bellevue, WA 98004
线上: lakeshorelearning.com
<img data-attachment-id="772702" data-permalink="https://redtri.com/seattle/round-1-bowling-and-amusement/round-one-bowling-077/" data-orig-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/round-one-bowling-077-e1450403705938.jpg" data-orig-size="605,454" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"Picasa","camera":"iPhone 5s","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1436553469","copyright":"","focal_length":"4.15","iso":"320","shutter_speed":"0.05","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Round 1 Bowling & Amusement" data-image-description="
We’re lucky to live in a city that has plenty of indoor play spaces to keep our kids active when it’s either too wet or too cold to play outside. And thanks to the opening of Round 1 Bowling & Amusement at Westfield Southcenter, families had another place to add to their arsenal this year. From bowling and karaoke, to arcade games and billiards, this high-tech venue scores big points with parents and kiddos alike.
Round 1 Bowling & Amusement
Westfield Southcenter
2351 Southcenter Mall
Seattle, Wa 98188
线上: round1usa.com/location/south-center-mall
photo: Kristina Moy
" data-medium-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/round-one-bowling-077-e1450403705938.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/round-one-bowling-077-e1450403705938.jpg?w=605" class="aligncenter wp-image-772702" src="https://redtricom.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/round-one-bowling-077-e1450403705938.jpg?w=873&h=655" alt="" width="873" height="655" />
photo: Kristina Moy
Go Bowling!
33。 What better way to burn off that rainy day energy than rolling an 8-pound ball down a big ol’ lane! These days, many of our area’s lanes are fantastically family-friendly and accommodate even the tiniest Lebowskis. Most also boast cool extras like arcade games, groovy jams, gourmet grub and even ginormous screens playing your favorite sports teams. From souped-up hipster havens to totally traditional lanes, click here for a uber comprehensive list of where to go for strikes and spares.
—Alaina Weimer
14 Indoor Pools to Dive Into This Winter
10 Free (or Super Cheap) Things to Do with Kids Under Five
100 Things Every Seattle Kid Must Do at Least Once
Where to Find the City’s Best Parks & Playgrounds