Do you love your cat and does it make you feel good? Here is a selection of  5 best smart health objects for cat to have fun with or make your life healthier and easier.

Top 5 best smart health objects for cat

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Tractive, the GPS tracker for cats

tractive object connects

Having a cat is always a pleasure. This animal with a strong character can be as lonely as a real pot of glue. If it belongs to the first category, Tractive has designed a product to reassure you. It’s a GPS tracker to track it. Designed to be worn by a cat, the device takes the form of a collar.

Your pet must be at least 4 kg and have a neck between 19 and 30 cm. By paying for the product and its subscription from 3.33 euros per month, you can follow chat in real time. We also receive notifications about his activity, which indicates his level of health.

The application provides a location history and makes it possible to establish alert zones when the feline leaves a predefined perimeter. With the premium subscription, you can also share this information with your loved ones so that they can find the little runaway while you are away. This formula offers the possibility of following your cat in 150 countries alone.

Don’t worry about the strength of the Tractive. The brand ensures complete sealing and impact resistance. The price ? £29.99 . Please note that starting at only £ 3.33 / month (when 2-years plan paid upfront) with different subscription plans .

Pawbo +, a smart health connected cat toy by Acer

You come health home late. Your cat stays alone all day and you fear that it will be bored. Lest it turn into the scum denounced by Nicolas Sarkozy, you want to watch and distract him. Unfortunately, none of your loved ones can come to your house during the day. Pawbo has the solution for you. This Wi-Fi smart health connected device is actually a camera with a laser and a candy dispenser.

The 720P ehealth sensor allows you to check the actions of your favorite fur ball. Record the best moments of his day. If not in front of the Pawbo +, the microphone facilitates interactions. If the rascal does not respond, the application contains sounds to trigger such as bird noise, meowing or other.

If it gets bored, you can ACTIVATE THE LASER (sorry) to make it run a little. Maybe he behaved well. Finally, he did not make his claws on the sofa. So you turn on the candy dispenser. This consists of a turntable with several compartments so as not to fill it every day.

Otherwise, the accessory Pawbo Catch shakes a pompom which will sharpen the reflexes and attract the curiosity of your feline. Again, the price is a little scary. You have to pay 169 dollars for the Pawbo + and 69 dollars for the Catch.

Surefeed, an innovative bowl for overly greedy felines

surefeed cat food connected objects

Only one selected animal can access it and an infant cannot go and play with its food. The electronic chip works thanks to RFID technology. Programming with two buttons is quick and easy. According to Amazon reviews, most cats adapt well to this innovative product for those who want to avoid messy fights between the cats in the house. The price ? $132.99 dollars.

Litter robot III Open Air: an automatic cleaning litter

Your cat hates getting his feet dirty in his litter box. Just as you are tired of bending down several times a day to remove the droppings from your dear feline. Litter robot III is designed to make your job easier. This litter box with a spaceship look is self-cleaning. You no longer used your shovel. Its patented sieving process separates droppings from clean grains, allowing you to use the same gravel for several days.

This cleaning takes place each time the cat has finished its needs. A notification alerts you when it’s time to empty the waste drawer. Be careful, because the price of this slightly crazy device is almost as much: £487.40.

Sureflap, a cat flap to avoid intruders at health home

sureflap cat

Ah! Installing a cat flap is always fun. Like this, felines do not harass you to go out, then come back two minutes later. Except that the other animals also know the trick and will not hesitate to come and do rumba in your living room or bite the kibble of your companion. To avoid accepting spam,The SureFlap cat flap works with RFID technology.

Like SureFeed, you can identify the cat by its chip or a medallion provided. Up to 32 animals can be registered. The device can be installed on a door, window or wall. The SureFlap costs £51.99.

Discover more smart gadget for cats


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