CAROL is a stationary reduced effort high-intensity interval training (REHIT) bike that uses artificial intelligence to increase your cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory fitness.The hallmark exercise of CAROL bikes is only 8 minutes and 40 seconds long, with two 20-second sprints thrown in for good measure.

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Despite its short workout length, CAROL bike gives the same health advantages as much longer exercises, according to research. Riding CAROL three times per week (for a total of 26 minutes of exercise) provides the following health benefits:

  • VO2max showed a 12 percent improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • HDL cholesterol was increased by 6%.
  • Triglycerides were reduced by 10%.
  • Blood pressure was reduced by 5%.
  • Blood sugar levels were reduced by 2%.

Carol smart bike

HIIT vs. REHIT Training

The science of CAROL bike is based on REHIT (Reduced Exertion High-intensity Interval Training). It’s a new and enhanced kind of high-intensity interval training (high-intensity interval training).

For many people, a standard HIIT workout lasts 30 minutes and is incredibly demanding. A REHIT with CAROL session, on the other hand, comprises of two 20-second sprints separated by a short rest period. The entire workout may be completed in as little as 5 minutes.

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, whereas REHIT stands for maximal intensity interval training. This tests your body’s boundaries, making you stronger and more fit.

REHIT: next-level HIIT

The maximum intensity levels during a CAROL sprint are around 2.4 times higher than in HIIT spin courses when the concepts of REHIT are followed. When compared to conventional exercise, our programs provide greater health and fitness advantages in 20% of the time.

CAROL’s REHIT workouts automatically apply the appropriate resistance, at the appropriate speed, and at the appropriate time, all dependent on your own fitness level. It’s a level of accuracy you won’t find in any other form of workout, and it comes with unrivaled advantages.

How does REHIT work?

The physiological underpinning of REHIT is that high-intensity exercise causes your body to enter fight or flight mode, raising its energy needs by a factor of 100. After all, your body has no notion you’re sprinting on an AI-powered exercise bike rather than fleeing a predator.

Because your body has no clue how long you will need to sprint, the increased energy demand forces your muscles to mobilize substantially more glycogen (stored sugar) than is really necessary for two brief sprints. This quick depletion of energy reserves triggers physiological adjustments that make you fitter and stronger. After all, perhaps the next time you’ll need to run even faster and further to avoid the ‘predator.’

Learn more about the science of muscle glycogen depletion.

Benefits of REHIT with CAROL

Take a closer look at the scientifically proven advantages of CAROL bike exercises.

Boost your metabolism

According to a new research, CAROL’s calorie-burning advantages last even after you’ve finished your workout. You’ll burn 60-70 percent of your total calories from a CAROL workout

while you’re back at your desk, thanks to afterburn (or extra post-exercise oxygen consumption).

Read the study

Improve your cardio
CAROL  measure cardio fitness by VO2max – the maximum amount of oxygen that you can use during intense exercise.
Participants increased their VO2max by 12% over the course of an eight-week research, approximately double the cardiorespiratory fitness improvement seen with other kinds of exercise.

Lose weight

Participants in a 15-week trial on the advantages of HIIT lost 2.5kg of total body fat, mostly in the legs and abdomen. HIIT was also found to be beneficial in the research.

Read the study

So what is CAROL?

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CAROL bikes CAROL Bike Reviews

CAROL bike has been around for a long time, but it was previously known as High Octane Ride. The goal of CAROL is to push high-intensity interval training to new heights.

Cardiovascular Optimization Logic (CAROL) is an AI-powered cycle ergometer that, according to the firm, gives double the health and fitness advantages of typical moderate intensity exercise in 20% of the time.

Scientists discovered that CAROL bikes can make you 132 percent fitter with substantially less time involvement based on one of the research employing the bike.

The result of 132 percent is based on a METS Z-score, which is a composite score of numerous health indicators commonly employed in medical investigations. CAROL bike users’ METS Z-score was 132 percent higher than non-users’ at identical exercise levels in one research.

The “less time” claim is based on how much time it takes to finish a bike workout: only eight minutes and 40 seconds each day, three days per week, as opposed to running for 30-45 minutes five times per week.

CAROL’s REHIT protocol’s purpose is to swiftly empty the glycogen reserves in your thigh muscles with two 20-second sprints at super-high intensity.

Because your perceived exertion is lower than during standard HIIT exercises, scientists name this practice reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training, or REHIT. This makes it simpler to persist with REHIT than other forms of exercises.

How Does the CAROL Bike Work?

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The idea behind REHIT is to give an ideal level of resistance during each 10–20 second sprint in order to exhaust your glycogen stores as soon as if you had trained at a moderate intensity for 45 minutes or more.

While REHIT has been examined in laboratories, the CAROL bike is the first to bring this time-saving workout to customers.

The firm claims that utilizing REHIT, the CAROL bike’s Intense Workout, might drain muscular glycogen reserves in your quadriceps by 25–30%, however additional study is needed.

CAROL is the only exercise bike that provides real REHIT, since its AI personalizes your workouts to ensure that you always reach your unique maximum intensity. Dr Niels Vollaard, a health and exercise science in sport researcher from the University of Stirling, puts it thus way:

CAROL is the only system that accurately replicates my research outside of the labs. This scientific exercise cannot be done on a regular bike because of the supra-maximal resistance required that also needs to be tailored to each person’s physiology.

Dr. Niels Vollaard

As a result, riding this bike three times a week for less than nine minutes is more effective than running for 30 minutes five times a week.

The new 5-minute REHIT workout of CAROL bikes

This is the structure of the REHIT protocol utilized in CAROL’s initial 8-minute 40-second Intense ride:

2 minutes – warm-up

20 seconds – Sprint 1

3 minutes – Recovery

20 seconds – Sprint 2

3 minutes  – Cooldown

According to research, the physiological impact of REHIT derives from the highest intensity sprint intervals. That got us thinking: might we shorten the non-sprint periods without compromising overall health and fitness benefits?

When I asked Dr. Vollaard about it, he said, “The health and fitness benefits of REHIT are activated by two 20-second maximum intensity sprints.” The length of the warm-up has no effect on the efficiency of REHIT.”

So far, everything has gone well. But what about the time in between sprints to recover? “To reap the full health and fitness benefits of REHIT, you must rest long enough between sprints to allow for a strong second sprint.”

How long is “long enough”? It’s entirely up to you. It’s often a good idea to wait until you’ve caught your breath, but you can do it whenever you’re ready.

The three-minute cooldown time is still in effect. “It’s vital for blood pressure to equalize again after the race,” says Ulrich Dempfle, CEO and co-founder of CAROL. Light pedaling, according to research, accomplishes this faster than simply sitting or standing. This is because keeping the muscles engaged helps to return blood to the heart and speed up the elimination of ‘waste’ products from the muscle, minimizing the imbalance between the concentration of such particles inside and outside the muscle cell.”

To recap, the maximum effort sprints are where REHIT’s health advantages lie. While a cooldown is necessary to guarantee that your body returns to normal before getting off the bike, the length of your warm-up has no bearing on the length of your recovery phase.

CAROL vs. Jogging

To give you a perspective of how efficient riding on CAROL bike is compared to running, consider the following statistics from a research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in February 2019.

The data illustrate how much better CAROL bike users’ scores and progress were as compared to the joggers in the study:

  • Blood sugar: 48% better.
  • Risk of developing a metabolic disease: 62% better.
  • HDL cholesterol: 71% better.
  • Cardiovascular fitness: 78% better.
  • Triglycerides: 78% better
  • Blood pressure: 196% better.

Another study from 2011 found that REHIT enhanced insulin sensitivity in male study participants by 28%, lowering the likelihood of acquiring Type 2 diabetes.

The octane score is CAROL bike’s patented metric of power production on the bike in proportion to heartbeat, which you may use to calculate your VO2max.

VO₂ max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise; that is, exercise of increasing intensity. The name is derived from three abbreviations: “V” for volume, “O₂” for oxygen, and “max” for maximum.


While octane score and VO2max aren’t identical, they both improve in the same way.

Workouts/Training Modes

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CAROL bikes offers the following seven workout modes you can choose from, including a free ride mode.

  • Intense
  • Energizer
  • Fat Burn 30
  • Fat Burn 60
  • Constant Power
  • Continuous Ramp Up
  • Free Ride (including support for Peloton workouts and Apple Fitness+)

Intense get the best outcomes possible. Time is of the essence. CAROL bike takes you through two 20-second high intensity sprints with warm-up, recovery, and cool-down in as short as 5 minutes. Intense rides provide statistically established advantages and personalize all rides, therefore they should be included in every program.

CAROL recommends that you work out three times per week if you want to improve your performance, health and fitness. To maintain your fitness level (rather than improve it), you can reduce your workouts to two per week.

Energizer  ride will re-energize you for the day ahead if your energy levels are low. The workout is constructed similarly to the Intense ride, with the exception that the maximum intensity sprints are just 10 seconds long.

Fat Burn 30 and Fat Burn 60 are both excellent workouts if your fitness goals include burning fat and/or losing weight. A two-minute warmup is followed by 30 or 60 eight-second sprints with 12 seconds pause in between, followed by a three-minute relaxation.

I’ve done a number of these rides, and they’re really awful — yet successful if your primary objective is to burn fat and calories.

In Constant Power mode, CAROL bikes will automatically change the resistance to retain the selected power.

Continuous Ramp Up is a testing protocol that you can use to measure your VO2max. CAROL bikes will raise the resistance by three watts every three seconds during the test until you tire.

Free Ride, as the name implies, allows you to use the bike like a traditional ergometer. You have complete control over the resistance and other factors, and you may ride for as long as you like. You may use this mode to participate in standard Peloton group workouts if you have a Peloton subscription.

You can also use the Free Ride mode to participate in Apple Fitness+ sessions.

CAROL bike Hardware and Setup

Carol Bike UK

Carol Bike UK CAROL has a comfy and adjustable seat, but it can be replaced with any bike seat of your choosing.

CAROL bikes are transported through parcel service from one of two warehouses, depending on whether you are in the east or west coast, and arrive within 5-10 business days. My bike was encased in a huge cardboard box.

CAROL bike has a robust flywheel and a commercial-grade stainless steel frame. The weight is required for stability. The good news is that CAROL normally takes less than 30 minutes to put together. I assembled my bike in the garage and pushed it into my workplace.

I made sure my bike was level after finding a decent position for it by adjusting the four adjustment knobs on the bottom of the frame.

My office has hardwood floors, and I was worried that my perspiration might ruin it; until I realized that CAROL bike doesn’t make you sweat (unless you do the fat loss routines or use the bike for free riding to build up endurance).

If this is the case, you should cover your floor with a towel and a rubber mat. A unique floor mat that looks like a regular yoga mat is also available from the firm.

Software and App

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CAROL AI BIKE Display CAROL bikes CAROL Bike Reviews CAROL Bike discount code

When you initially turn on the bike, you’ll see that CAROL’s software is nothing more than an app on an Android tablet. Unless you’ve never used a smartphone or tablet before, this makes using and engaging with the CAROL app simple.

You must first register a CAROL rider account before you can begin your first bike ride. This account may be accessed later via the web or a smartphone app.

If you have less than five riders in your family, I recommend creating a strong password and keeping it in a password manager like 1Password. I recommend selecting a randomly generated password because the CAROL app lets you to stay logged in without having to input your password every time you want to ride the bike.

However, if you have more than five riders in your family or use CAROL in a professional environment, I recommend using a strong, easy-to-type password because the bike can only remember eight users at a time.

Competing With Others

When you complete a workout on CAROL, you can save the ride and see how you compare to other CAROL bike users around the world on a weekly scoreboard.

I appreciate having this sense of camaraderie and think it makes for an enjoyable exercise. Instead of merely competing against my personal best performance (which can become monotonous for even the most devoted riders), it’s interesting to essentially play a fitness game versus other excellent athletes on an ongoing basis.

How much is a CAROL bike?

Carol bikes, like Peloton, provides a variety of packages, beginning with the Essentials bundle ($2,395), which includes the bike and a one-year guarantee. The Standard package ($2,595) adds a chest strap heart rate monitor, a tablet holder, and a two-year guarantee for an extra $200. The most costly package ($2,795) includes all of the previously stated extras, as well as a floor mat, a water bottle holder that can be attached to the bike frame, and a three-year warranty. The accessories may be purchased separately as well.

The Carol bike is one of the most costly smart exercise bikes on the market, with the $2,495 Peloton Bike+ and the $2,500 SoulCycle At-Home Bike coming in second and third, respectively.

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Tips to Improve Your CAROL Score

There are a several methods you may employ to earn the greatest possible score, besides as boosting your conditioning by working out on CAROL at least three times each week.

Check that the bike seat and handlebar are appropriately set for your height.
Bike shoes are recommended.
Before going all-in, wait until the three-second countdown is through.

A correctly set seat and handlebar is one of the most critical components in pedaling efficiently. You won’t be able to transfer power from your legs to the bike as efficiently if you sit too high or too low. As a result, make sure to adjust the bike to your height and the manual’s instructions.

In addition, I’ve found that the pedal straps loosen over time. That’s just due to the force generated when pedalling at top speed. I recommend obtaining a pair of bicycling shoes that you can secure tightly to each pedal for the greatest results.

Nonetheless, I continue to ride in tennis shoes since I don’t mind losing a few watts.

Finally, when the screen goes red and the three-second countdown begins, I recommend delaying going all-in. Why? Because I’ve discovered that I hit my maximum pace and intensity before the 20-second workout even begins.

In other words, even before the workout begins, my performance has already begun to deteriorate. As a result, I normally wait until the workout begins for one second.

CAROL vs. Other HIIT Bike Workouts

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 CAROL bikes CAROL Bike Reviews  CAROL bike vs Peloton

So, how does CAROL differ from other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) bike exercises like spin classes?

The capacity of CAROL to swiftly deplete the glycogen stores in your thigh muscles distinguishes it from typical HIIT exercises or spin sessions. That’s why riding a bike can help you build up your aerobic capacity.

Because of the way CAROL employs science, technology, and artificial intelligence, it is capable of doing such. In other words, CAROL may tailor each workout to your specific physical ability at the time of the session.

As a consequence, with only 40 seconds of vigorous activity, CAROL may increase your cardiovascular conditioning. I’m not aware of any other workout that can match that.

CAROL excels other HIIT bikes in terms of technical performance because to the way the cycle automatically adjusts the resistance of the flywheel without the need for human participation. Every sprint, for example, begins with little resistance, driving you to pedal as quickly as your leg muscles can twitch.

The bike automatically increases the resistance after a few seconds of high-speed cycling to make the sprint tougher as you tire.

The bike changes the resistance levels for the next sprint based on your power input over time, with the objective of attaining maximal glycogen depletion. You can’t reproduce this process unless you have a computer managing the bike’s resistance.

CAROL vs. Spinning

I prefer training on a stationary bike from a purely physical standpoint. Spinning was difficult, but I burnt a lot of calories and the group atmosphere encouraged me to push myself even harder.

The disadvantage of spinning is that it is repetitive. I became bored and quit doing it after a time.

Another disadvantage of spinning is that it takes at least an hour to complete — and even longer if you factor in the time it takes to get to and from the gym. You must be self-motivated and disciplined if you wish to use a spin bike at home.

Peloton bikes, for example, have attempted to address these issues by creating linked bikes that allow you to exercise from the comfort of your own home while still interacting with and competing against other riders.

While I think that’s a wonderful idea, the workouts still require a substantial amount of time to be effective.

CAROL, on the other hand, only takes a few minutes of your time. While you can’t compete with other riders in real time (the rides you take with CAROL are simply too short for that), you may use CAROL’s Global Leaderboard to compare yourself to others.

CAROL bike vs Peloton Bike+ vs NordicTrack s22i



What are the differences between CAROL and the Peloton Bike+ and NordicTrack s22i? While both of these bikes provide a terrific exercise, there are some key distinctions to consider.

The duration of the workout is the most noticeable difference between CAROL and any other spinning or training cycle. Neither Peloton nor NordicTrack offers REHIT protocols, which have been established in peer-reviewed research to produce the same advantages as much longer exercises.

In other words, if you want to attain the same cardiovascular and metabolic gains on a Peloton or NordicTrack cycle, you must exercise more frequently and for a longer period of time.

Here’s a comparison of the many sorts of workouts available on each of these platforms:

CAROL Peloton Bike+ NordicTrack s22i
Live streaming fitness classes Yes Yes Yes
Live streaming gaming/racing content Coming soon No No
Moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) Yes Yes Yes
Reduced exertion high intensity training (REHIT) Yes No No
Comparison of workouts available on these three platforms.

What’s more, you’ll need a separate membership, such as Apple Fitness+, Peloton Digital, or something similar, to participate in live streaming fitness classes with CAROL, as it’s not included in CAROL’s monthly membership.

Carol bike vs Peloton -PICKING THE BEST BIKE FOR YOU

Hardware and Software Comparison

Apart from the exercises, there are distinctions in the hardware and software of these three systems (as you can see in the comparison table below).

CAROL Peloton Bike+ NordicTrack s22i
EN ISO 20957 certification Class SA: professional and commercial use Class H: domestic use Class H: domestic use
Silent belt drive Yes Yes Yes
Frictionless magnetic brake Yes Yes Yes
Motorized brake system Yes Yes Yes
Freewheel safety clutch Yes No No
Cycling shoes optional Yes No No
Hand heart rate monitor Yes No No
Touchscreen monitor Yes Yes Yes
Hardware differences.

Only CAROL, as you can see, has a commercial-grade frame that can endure abuse and will most likely last a lifetime.

The other benefit of CAROL is that it may be ridden with or without bicycle shoes. For the previous several years, I’ve used tennis shoes since I didn’t want to invest in cycling shoes simply to get a few additional watts out of each ride. CAROL’s pedals, of course, are entirely compatible with bicycle shoes and cleats. CAROL specifically supports the Shimano SPD mountain bike system.

CAROL’s sole flaw is its tiny touchscreen, which pales in compared to those seen on Peloton and NordicTrack cycles. Keep in mind, though, that CAROL’s hallmark workout is just nine minutes long. In reality, there isn’t nearly enough time to watch a show or interact meaningfully with the touchscreen.

In other words, you won’t miss the larger screen unless you plan to use CAROL for typical spinning exercises.

It’s worth noting that CAROL continually personalizes and improves each exercise depending on your prior performance and current fitness level from a software standpoint.

Neither Peloton nor NordicTrack provide such crucial elements.

How Much Is CAROL bikes in Comparison to Peleton and NordicTrack?

CAROL bike is priced in the center of Peloton and NordicTrack, but it provides a monthly subscription that is less costly.

CAROL Peloton Bike+ NordicTrack s22i
Initial purchase price $2,395.00 $2,495.00 $1,999.00
Shipping Free (UK and U.S. only) Free Free
Monthly membership $12.00 $39.00 $39.00
Pricing comparison.

Who Should Use CAROL bikes?

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CAROL bike is ideal for anybody looking to enhance their fitness and health without spending many hours in the gym. In reality, it makes no difference what degree of fitness you have because the bike adapts to your physical ability.

This indoor bike is also a great alternative for folks who have trouble keeping to an exercise plan. Furthermore, CAROL is especially beneficial for individuals who have a stressful career or family life that provides little time for exercise.

The CAROL bike is also ideal for serious athletes looking to supplement their regular training regimen while improving their cardiovascular strength and ability.

CAROL Review Summary

In terms of the outcomes and benefits it may provide, this is a one-of-a-kind bike. There are other HIIT-style training bikes on the market that will deliver comparable benefits if you’re prepared to put in the extra effort, but the CAR.O.L. is the best in this category.

The CAR.O.L. bike is outstanding in terms of riding experience, build quality, training functions, and overall gym quality in the comfort of your own home.

CAROL is an interactive stationary bike that takes a completely different approach than what is already available.

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