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Clickasnap reviews – How I Get paid $26,368.22 in One Month when my photos are viewed

Clickasnap reviews – How I Get paid ,368.22  in One Month when my photos are viewed

Clickasnap is a website that allows you to upload photos and get paid when people view them. It’s a great way to make money from your hobby, and the site is easy to use.Below you can find Clickasnap reviews.

What is Clickasnap?

Clickasnap is a unique photo sharing platform that allows users to earn money from their photos. When someone views one of your photos, you will earn a commission based on the number of views. This is a great opportunity for photographers to make some extra money, and it’s also a great way to support your favorite photographers!

How does Clickasnap work? 4 Ways You Can Earn From It

As a photographer, you can submit your photos to Clickasnap and set a price for them. When someone views your photo, you will earn money based on the price you set.


Simply said, the more people who look at your images, the more money you’ll make

At the time of writing, you will be alerted when you hit $15, and all you have to do is click the button to request payment. Within 24 hours, the funds will be in your PayPal account.

What matters is the amount of views, not the number of followers or likes.

ClickASnap is a new platform; it isn’t yet one of the big guys, but it is quickly gaining traction as it is found by millions of users.

The more people who use it, the more money you’ll make each visualization — from an average of 0.18 cents per visualization to 0.70 cents and climbing — It’s similar to how YouTube compensates for each video view. In truth, the concept is similar, except with images, and ClickASnap is more generous.

With the exception of nudity and violence, there are no restrictions on the subjects that can be shot.

You may share images of items, your family, or trip photos in the same way that you would on any other social networking platform.

However, I urge that you handle your ClickASnap like a business (not as a family album). If you’re utilizing the platform to promote your photos, I strongly suggest you to improve your photographic talents – otherwise, making sales will be almost difficult (more on that soon).

You may also utilize the platform to display your paintings; just make sure the photographs are appropriate for your work.

Don’t forget to provide a description of 300 words or more on each photo: not only will it help you to engage with your visitors, but it will also make it simpler for them to take the required 5 seconds for each view to count — and will allow Google to locate you.

By the way, you retain all rights to your photos: the platform provides protection for the photographer’s work, so no one will download, duplicate, or use them without your permission. You might also put up a sign.

Needless to say, you must only upload originals or you will be blacklisted.

Get paid when your photos are viewed. Sign up at Clickasnap reviews

Clickasnap reviews pays for views

Sell Your Work

On ClickASnap, you may sell your work in both downloaded and printed formats, since the site has been turned into an online sales platform. It all relies on the fees you charge and the quality of your job.

You must first upgrade to ‘Seller’ or ‘Pro’ to be able to sell copies of your images or allow consumers to download a digital copy of the image. You may also offer them as gift mugs, key chains, fridge magnets, and other items.

The price is entirely up to you, however the website provides some guidelines to help you be competitive. Customers will pay for shipping if you sell printed images (or paintings on canvas).

All images, including those for sale, are categorized into categories to make it easier for users to locate what they’re searching for — additionally, the website is updated and upgraded on a regular basis to provide users more options, making it easier to sell your work.

Make money in 30 seconds by uploading your photos. Sign up at

Clickasnap reviews Click a snap pays for views

Participate in competitions

As I write this, the October Photography Competition ‘Sunrises/Sunsets’ is ongoing within ClickASnap, with £1,500 in cash prizes up for grabs. Every month, a photography competition is held. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain publicity, even if you don’t win.

Use sales funnels

Sales funnels may help you sell your products, e-courses, and services!

If you truly want to scale, you must build a long-term relationship with your audience so that you may make sales not only once, but also continue to send promotions and news about your artwork, perhaps resulting in more sales.

This is what differentiates business amateurs from professionals — and a funnel is required for this.

If your prospects feel they know you and like your work, you’ll have more than a buyer; you’ll have a fan. Furthermore, you can sell not only more of your images, but also services, products, and e-courses (this is one of the best ways to increase money because certain affiliate offers have recurring fees — a.k.a. passive income).

In exchange for their emails, the funnel should deliver something of value (lead magnet) to your visitors, allowing you to stay in touch with your audience and create relationships over time.

Create an email follow-up funnel (automated email marketing) after that to offer value and run promotions based on your subscribers’ preferences and needs.

These steps enabled me to make $26,368.22 in one month.

Please keep in mind that this was not my first month on ClickASnap, and the majority of my revenue came from affiliate sales (a photography course for beginners).

I’m not promising you’ll make the same amount – you may make less, the same, or even more. I’m merely demonstrating what is achievable if you put in the effort. If you’re a professional photographer who is completely committed to photography, you’ll almost surely have more artwork to share every day, and you may have even built your own course to potentially make more money.

Still uploading your photos just for likes?Upload them to ClickASnap instead and get paid when people view them!

How to Expand and Drive Traffic to Your Offers

Increase your ClickASnap platform audience

Unlike other social media platforms, ClickASnap does not have a sophisticated algorithm, making it much easier to create a following and expand organically within this platform.

Simply explore the portal’s pages, follow others, and take 5 seconds to observe, like, and comment on their images: everyone on the platform wants their photos to be noticed, therefore they typically (from my experience) reciprocate, and this will assist you to be more visible each day while gaining authority.

Interactions will also provide an excellent chance to share knowledge and work on commercial or social projects.

Share your Click A Snap link on social media

If your social network is geared toward photography, you will find true photography enthusiasts there as well. You can take advantage of this by asking everyone to watch your work on ClickASnap—you’ll be compensated for views and may even earn purchases.

(You may even reroute your new audience from CkickASnap if you like.
Go to’settings’ >’social’ to discover the areas for including your other social media accounts.)

Post your ClickASnap link in photography-related Facebook groups

Give your support in those communities, and urge everyone to check out your work at ClickASnap as well. Your bio and the descriptions of each photo should lead to your funnel (s).

Is Clickasnap Legit?

Yes, Clickasnap is a legitimate website that allows photographers to earn money from their images.

However, just because Clickasnap is legal does not imply it will meet everyone’s requirements. This platform has several benefits, but it also has some disadvantages. I’ve highlighted the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing Clickasnap below.

What are the benefits?

There are many benefits to writing a blog for Clickasnap. Not only will you be paid when your photos are viewed, but you will also be able to share your photos with a wider audience and connect with other photographers from all over the world. Writing a blog is a great way to improve your photography skills and connect with like-minded people.

Getting Paid

The payment structure is ClickASnap’s main advantage. It’s fairly reasonable, and it provides a rather unusual way of getting paid just for having your images looked at without having to buy them. This new layer to the payment structure is a step up from many photo companies’ conventional sale-only approach.

Given how many people look but don’t buy, it’s possible to make money without selling any of your photographs. However, if you want to generate more money, you’ll want them to sell. Nonetheless, ClickASnap’s pay-per-click model is tempting.


Another significant benefit, particularly for professional photographers, is the opportunity to meet other photographers in the ClickASnap community. Travel fees are one of the most significant challenges that many photographers confront while supplying original photographs that they shot personally. Working with photographers in that region of the world, on the other hand, allows you to get the photos you need while also earning a commission or simply working out an arrangement.

The ClickASnap forum facilitates this type of collaboration, making it a vital resource for businesses looking to develop globally.


The photos you post to the ClickASnap website are protected and cannot be used by anyone unless they first pay for them. This should provide folks who are hesitant to publish their images on image sites like ClickASnap some peace of mind.

Even the best websites, and ClickASnap is no exception, have flaws. While the service appears to be simple enough, you should be aware of the limits that ClickASnap has to offer.

Free Subscriptions

ClickASnap does, in fact, provide a free subscription as part of their total subscription package. While this may appear to be a terrific way to get started, they fail to mention that the free subscription does not imply that you will be paid.

You can upload your photos, but in order to be paid, you must subscribe to a paid subscription plan. Given how heavily ClickASnap advertises itself as a free service, the way the free subscription plan is marketed comes close to being deceptive. It doesn’t quite break the limit, but many users have been duped into believing that they may earn money on ClickASnap without paying.

What are the drawbacks?

There are a few drawbacks to the Clickasnap service. First, you can only earn money if your photos are actually viewed by someone. This means that if you upload a lot of photos, but no one views them, you won’t make any money. Additionally, the amount you can earn per view is fairly low, so you’ll need a lot of views to make significant income. Finally, there’s also the issue of competition; since anyone can sign up and start uploading photos, you’ll be competing with a large number of other photographers for views.

Market Place Is Limited

This isn’t so much a disadvantage as it is a restriction on selling images in general. Photographers that are most successful sell their work through their own marketing efforts. To put it another way, while the ClickASnap marketplace is lovely and easy to use, and it does provide a venue to sell your images, don’t expect to make a lot of money unless you do the outside effort required to sell your photos.

This entails establishing a social media presence, developing your own website, and promoting your services across many channels. Sure, a couple of your images might sell on the ClickASnap marketplace, but you’d be better off focusing your efforts elsewhere.

Poor Impression

One of the more surprising drawbacks with ClickASnap is the ugly nature of their website’s photos. Given the competitive nature of the photography industry, having a line of outstanding photographs greeting you on the first page is critical.

It doesn’t help that the ClickASnap website appears to be out of current.This may leave a negative impression on potential buyers looking for distinctive, high-quality images.

Clickasnap reviews

Clickasnap get rating 4.2 at TrustScore.

It’s a platform for photographers to get together and exchange images for the sole purpose of enjoying photography, and the site earns money from the photos that are seen! It’s not a terrible idea to disconnect from Instagram and other sites for a bit! The site is always being improved, and the content is becoming simpler to use over time!

The staff is helpful and fast to respond to any difficulties! I had some price concerns with being charged twice for two upgrades I did on the same day, so I emailed them and they offered me a complete refund on the first payment, followed by two letters speaking with me about the issue! Everything is back to normal now! Highly recommend this site for those of you who appreciate exchanging images with other photographers!  -Kavan P

ClickaSnap has two significant benefits over many other picture sharing websites: you can really get paid (a modest amount, but every little bit helps!) if enough people look at your photos over an extended period of time.

It causes you to pause and examine photos. The app pays out for views that are longer than five seconds, so take a chance to look at other people’s work and evaluate how you respond to it. Other applications push you to respond quickly and move on; ClickaSnap encourages you to wait for a second. I think this is want makes it work.   – Stephen

The Click A Snap website is excellent.This site appeals to me since the user interface is simple, the users are many and kind, and the site administrators are helpful when communicating with you.  As a result, I recommend that everyone give it a shot. -Omar Adel



This is one of the best sites for me to display my images from my travels! And the best part is that I can make money from my hobbies. It’s a fantastic community to talk with other photographers, whether it’s your profession or a hobby.    -Graziella

I was hesitant to join Clickasnap at first, thinking it was a clickbait, but after giving it a try and receiving at least 6 payments without issue, this is the site or social media to which I am more addicted than other fake social media. It’s worth investing your time in this site if you want to earn more.  – Cantik Pengambara

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Still uploading your photos for likes? Get paid for them. Sign up at

Clickasnap reviews Click a snap 


How much can you Earn With Clickasnap?

As previously said, Clickasnap allows you to make money in a variety of ways.

You may sell copies of your pictures, let customers download them digitally, or get paid every time someone sees one of your images.

It is vital to remember that if you send bot traffic to your photographs rather than human users, you will not get paid and will be barred from using the site.

Clickasnap pays you $0.006 for each legitimate view of your images.

This obviously implies that in order to earn a living, you must be skilled at driving traffic.

Of course, creating and growing an audience is difficult. Having a huge social media following with an engaged following will be quite beneficial.

You can request a pay out after you have $15.00 in your account. However, there is no minimum amount you may earn by selling your images on the platform.

This service has a strong reputation for paying its users, so you can be certain that you will receive your money.


ClickASnap is presently the only image-based social networking platform that pays for views; the concept is similar to YouTube, but ClickASnap pays more.

If you’re a photographer, then Clickasnap is a great way to make some extra money. With Clickasnap, you get paid every time someone views one of your photos. And since the site is free to join, there’s nothing stopping you from giving it a try. So why not sign up today and start earning some money from your photos?

You may also enter competitions inside the site to win prizes and get visibility.

When you upgrade to Seller or Pro, you may sell your images within the site.

Include a sales funnel on your ClickASnap profile to collect emails and stay in touch with your audience: give value and promotions to sell your artwork and everything else you want such as services, goods, and e-courses – your own or as an affiliate.

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