Math Art

How to find the position of the elements in a matrix

How to find the position of the elements in a matrix

We’re going to learn about matrices and how to find the position of an element in a matrix. Matrices are a way of organizing numbers in a rectangular grid. They can be used to represent a lot of different things, like the coefficients of a system of equations, the transformation of a geometric object, or the probabilities of different outcomes in a probability distribution.

The position of an element in a matrix is determined by its row and column number. The row number is the number of the row that the element is in, and the column number is the number of the column that the element is in. For example, in the matrix below, the element 5 is in the first row and first column, so its position is (1, 1).

[5, -6, 1]
[7, 2, -3]
[0, 9, 8]

Here are the steps on how to find the position of an element in a matrix:

  1. Find the row number of the element. The row number is the number of the row that the element is in. For example, in the matrix above, the element 5 is in the first row, so its row number is 1.
  2. Find the column number of the element. The column number is the number of the column that the element is in. For example, in the matrix above, the element 5 is in the first column, so its column number is 1.
  3. Combine the row number and column number to get the position of the element. The position of an element is always a two-number tuple, where the first number is the row number and the second number is the column number. For example, the position of the element 5 in the matrix above is (1, 1).


Let’s look at some examples of how to find the position of an element in a matrix.

  • In the matrix below, the element 1 is in the second row and first column, so its position is (2, 1).
[5, 1, 7]
[-6, 2, 0]
[3, 9, 8]
  • In the matrix below, the element -3 is in the third row and second column, so its position is (3, 2).
[5, 1, -3]
[-6, 2, 9]
[3, 8, 6]

The Position of an Element in a Matrix: Fun Activities for Kids and Families

What if you want to make learning about matrices fun for kids? Here are a few fun activities that kids and families can do to learn about the position of an element in a matrix:

1.  Play a game of “hot potato” with matrices

Write down a few matrices on pieces of paper and then fold them up so that the numbers are hidden. Have the kids take turns holding the matrices up to their foreheads. The first kid to correctly identify the position of an element in the matrix wins the round.

2.  Create a matrix maze

Draw a maze on a piece of paper and then fill in the squares with numbers. The goal of the game is to get from the start to the finish by following the numbers in the matrix. This is a great way to practice finding the position of an element in a matrix, as well as problem-solving skills.

3. Use matrices to create a secret code.

Write down a message in a matrix and then give the matrix to a friend. Your friend will have to decode the message by finding the position of each letter in the matrix. This is a fun way to learn about matrices and also practice your cryptography skills.

4. Make a matrix puzzle.

Cut out a few matrices from cardboard and then give them to the kids. The kids will have to put the matrices together to form a larger matrix. This is a great way to practice spatial reasoning skills, as well as the basics of matrix multiplication.

5. Play a game of “simon says” with matrices

The leader will say a command, such as “move the 3 to the top right corner.” The kids will have to follow the command if it is preceded by the words “simon says.” If the command is not preceded by “simon says,” the kids should not follow it. This is a fun way to practice following directions and also learning about the different ways that matrices can be used to represent data.

These are just a few ideas for fun activities that you can do with kids to learn about the position of an element in a matrix. With a little creativity, you can come up with many other ways to make learning about matrices fun and engaging.

Worksheet Questions

Sure, here are some worksheets for finding the position of an element in a matrix, along with the answers:

Worksheet 1

Given the matrix:

[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]

Find the position of the following elements:

  • 1
  • 5
  • 9


  • The element 1 is in the first row and first column, so its position is (1, 1).
  • The element 5 is in the second row and second column, so its position is (2, 2).
  • The element 9 is in the third row and third column, so its position is (3, 3).

Worksheet 2

Given the matrix:

[1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8]
[9 10 11 12]

Find the position of the following elements:

  • 6
  • 10
  • 12


  • The element 6 is in the second row and second column, so its position is (2, 2).
  • The element 10 is in the third row and first column, so its position is (3, 1).
  • The element 12 is in the third row and fourth column, so its position is (3, 4).

Worksheet 3

Given the matrix:

[1 2 3 4 5]
[6 7 8 9 10]
[11 12 13 14 15]
[16 17 18 19 20]

Find the position of the following elements:

  • 1
  • 10
  • 20


  • The element 1 is in the first row and first column, so its position is (1, 1).
  • The element 10 is in the second row and third column, so its position is (2, 3).
  • The element 20 is in the fifth row and fifth column, so its position is (5, 5).

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How to find the position of the elements in a matrix

How to find the position of the elements in a matrix

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