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How to Make Money with Printables

This is a step-by-step tutorial on generating and selling printables and low-content books online. Get a detailed, step-by-step guide to generating Printables and low-content books. Do you want to know how to make money on the internet every day? Think about selling digital things such as printables and LCB. These are presently the most profitable segments of the digital product industry. These are some of the benefits of starting a business selling digital products. • The only barrier to entry is the value you provide and your abilities. • There is no limit to the number of products that can be sold. Create once and sell multiple times. LEARNING OBJECTIVES You will be able to do the following at the end of this course: a) How to set up the PowerPoint design environment to facilitate design b) How to use the Inkscape program c) How to use Inkscape to convert photos into vector SVGs d) How to convert vector pictures from SVG to PNG/JPEG and other formats e) How to Create Tracing Letters in PowerPoint f) How to Create Coloring Letters in PowerPoint g) Where to Find Free Stock Images for Your Book Design h) How to Create Your First Product on Amazon KDP or Creative Market i) Marketing your items This is better to most YouTube tutorials because each step or action to  taken shown with a visual guide. You can sell whatever quantity is requested. THIS IS A PDF file.