Connected, not connected? The question is no longer asked. Your sweet home will be increasingly equipped with smart home devices and objects to simplify your daily life, save energy and many other services that remain to be invented .If you have not yet taken the train moving, rest assured there is still time. Here we offer you a little guide of  the best smart health objects to take care of your home.

Smart health home & connected objects: definition

A definition is necessary so that we know what we are going to talk about here.
In a few words, home automation consists in centralizing the controls of certain devices in your home and also allows you to program them.
It mixes electronics, IT and communication networks. All this to serve you! And don’t worry you need to be an expert in one of these areas to adopt it.

Smart health home is automatic!

Yes, unlike antibiotics (poke in Health Insurance), smart health home  systems are automatic.
An example ? Your gate that opens by itself without you having to get out of the car. But you can also program it so that it remains open during the day and does not close until around 10 p.m. And sometimes even modify this choice remotely if you forgot to close the portal when going on vacation.
One thing is certain, no more chore!
Originally, there was …
But by the way, what was the first connected object in the house? The term home automation appeared in the mid-1980s at the same time as the first centralized automatic alarm system launched by Thomson and controllable from … his PC.
As you can imagine, this not very glamorous and expensive system has not been very successful.

Eliot by Legrand Nest Weave

What is the difference with connected objects (or IOT)?

Smart health home, connected health home, smart home healthcare, home automation, IOT (internet of things) … We use all these terms without really knowing what they cover precisely. And this is normal since they appear as the market emerges.
In general, we associate the concept of home automation with automation and that of “connected” to the fact of being able to control objects remotely (via an app) and to make them communicate with each other. Finally, a so-called intelligent accommodation means that all of this programming will best adapt to your behavior (magic? No, but it is the subject of another dedicated article, to be read right here!)

Why automatic your house?

Now we know what we are talking about but maybe you still do not fully see how it can apply in your home. Many people think that home automation is only for geeks and other high-tech fans. However, “home automation” of one’s house is now accessible to all.
Whether you are in a house or apartment, tenant or owner, you will find advantages. I promise!
Here is the list of the main advantages when it comes to home automation objects.

Less effort, more comfort

Go home and see its gate open and close automatically, its lights come on, its heating goes off, … Admit that it’s very nice, right?
And once warm, it’s also convenient to control the shutters, music or vacuum cleaner, by voice, thanks to a voice assistant like Alexa.
For those keen on new things who are not afraid to wipe the plaster (but with a well-stocked wallet) there are also connected fridges equipped with cameras that scan the interior to help you establish the shopping list or you signal when a food is missing.
To push comfort to the maximum, you will need to find the home automation system that will allow you to centralize commands to orchestrate this ballet of automated actions.

Bye bye the gaspi and hello the savings

When you program your radiators, you don’t let them run in a vacuum during the day when you’re away. Knowing that heating accounts for about two-thirds of the energy bill, all actions that can limit this consumption are a source of significant savings.
The same goes for ventilation. With a VMC connected, you program the ventilation so that it is only triggered above a certain humidity or pollution threshold. Thus ventilation works only when it is really necessary.

Sleep (safely) on both ears

Whether it is to prevent burglaries (cameras, motion detectors, keyless locks, etc.) or to protect your home (detection of water leaks, smoke detector, etc.), here too home automation has more than one trick in your bag to ensure safety.

Keep control even from a distance

As we saw in the introduction, most home automation objects are now connected, that is to say that you can also control them when you are not at home, remotely.

Good for Your health

Another idea for a home automation scenario? Alerts related to the air we breathe, to receive on the app, by email or SMS!
Alert indicating a critical level of outdoor pollution with advice on activities to avoid.
Alert linked to the humidity or CO2 level inside accompanied by the recommendations to be followed (ventilate, it is time to clean the CMV …).
Alert related to the detection of a fall (thanks to a connected object for seniors for example).
Or also: stop the VMC in case of detection of open window for example.

And that changes everything!

When you are dizzy or just have a change of schedule, you can adjust your heating without worry.
Another practical use remotely: locking / unlocking the doors. There are connected locks that only open using a code that you send via mobile to the person to whom you want to give access and which will only be valid for a specified period of time.
Examples of connected objects for the home
At home, we bet that you already have close to a dozen connected objects without even being aware of it … Take the case of a family made up of a couple with 3 children aged 7, 13 and 15. There will surely be 4 mobile phones, 3 computers, 2 tablets, or even 1 connected watch and 1 surveillance camera or 1 alarm.
For every daily activity, there are home automation objects that simplify life.
For the bedroom, the geotags of the IOT have worked hard to bring you peace and comfort.
You can :
regulate heating
automate the opening / closing of the shutters
control the lighting (thanks to the dawn simulators)
control air quality
equipping the children’s room with high-tech baby phones with cameras and music programming
there are even duvets with the possibility of regulating the temperature on each side of the bed, pillows that prevent snoring / that help fall asleep by keeping your head cool, sleep-sensing mattresses to relearn how to sleep like a baby
In the living room, in addition to heating (the base!), It is rather your entertainment that you will control thanks to home automation: speakers and television in priority. With the bulbs connected, you can even “synchronize” your lighting with the mood depending on whether you watch a horror movie in the dark or whether the evening is in full swing on the improvised dance floor
And it’s not just the inside of your home sweet home that you can control the exterior too. Gardens and swimming pools can benefit from it:
Connected garden: happiness is in the sensors!
Home automation for connected pools: all the advantages
Dive into the connected pool!
Without forgetting the garage … A door that opens when you approach the car, without having to go out in the cold or in the rain, it is appreciable. (and with Sowee and its charging station for electric cars you can also follow its charge from your sofa).
And the palm of the original object goes to …
Suffice to say that weird connected objects have been found. But if we focus on original and useful objects, the list is immediately shorter.
Our choice (totally subjective) fell on this funny Tupperware-like box. Originally intended for cooking, as its name suggests – KSafe for Kitchen Safe – it ultimately serves well beyond this room dedicated to food. It allows you to protect yourself from… yourself!
Are you lost? We explain to you. It is a box that works with a programmable lock. You put in what you want to keep at a distance, you close it and presto! Unable to open it until the end of the time programmed on the timer.
Cookies, tablet, gamepad, credit card … whatever your addiction, with KSafe, you can’t access it.
A selection of the best objects according to your needs
If you are not convinced by the KSafe, we have other selections of better objects: from the most useful to the most practical, the choice is yours!

How do smart home devices work?

This is it, we made you mouth water with all these objects that work for you? Now let’s get into practice!
Who says connected object necessarily says technical object…
Yes and no. Obviously behind all these devices, there is technology, IOT or Internet of things. But it doesn’t matter how you connect them in the end.
Wi-Fi, radio waves, CPL (Line Carrier Current),… No need to understand in detail what is behind all these terms.
The mechanics are always more or less the same: sensors that capture data. These are collected and compared to data found in programs. These programs control the behavior of connected devices or objects. Thus, the latter trigger an action according to the data received.
For example for heating: your boiler starts up if the temperature raised by a temperature sensor (connected thermometer, thermostat, …) is lower than the set temperature, that is to say the desired temperature, as you have specified it in your heating schedule.

Some best smart health home objects highly recommended

Read also How your smart home could takes care of your health?

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