Planning a family adventure to the City of Lights? Crafting the best Paris itinerary 5 days filled with enchantment and joy can seem like a tall order, but with the right guide, your dream trip is not only achievable but guaranteed to be unforgettable. Paris, with its iconic Eiffell Tower, historic Louvre Museum, and charming Montmartre, offers a magical backdrop for a family trip that blends culture, adventure, and relaxation in equal measure. Understandably, the challenge lies in fitting all that Paris has to offer into just one week, ensuring a trip that’s both comprehensive and delightfully paced for adventurers of all ages.

Our journey begins with essential preparations before whisking you away to an exciting first day exploring the heart of Paris, including a rendezvous with the Mona Lisa and a stroll through the Luxembourg Gardens. Then, we’ll step beyond the city’s boundaries to the opulent Palace of Versailles, before diving into leisure and entertainment options that cater to the whole family, from an indoor waterpark at Center Parcs Villages Nature to the whimsical world of Disneyland Paris. Along the way, we’ll share insights on making the most of your Paris family trip, ensuring you know exactly what to see in Paris in 5 days. We’ve crafted this Paris itinerary 5 days family adventure with a blend of iconic sights and hidden gems, ensuring an unparalleled experience that will be cherished by your loved ones for years to come.

Preparation for the Trip

Choosing Travel Dates

We planned our Paris adventure from May 29th to June 2nd, aiming to avoid the busiest and most expensive summer months in Europe. Interestingly, we found it less crowded than expected since most European schools are still in session until June or July. This timing may offer a sweet spot for visiting Paris with fewer crowds just as the summer begins .

Booking Flights and Accommodation

For accommodations, it’s crucial to consider options beyond traditional hotels, especially for families. Many European hotels have strict occupancy rules, often not accommodating more than two people per room. Thus, alternatives like Airbnb, VRBO, or vacation rental-style apartments through platforms like can be more practical and cost-effective. For instance, we stayed in a two-bedroom Airbnb in Paris, which was not only spacious but also just a few minutes’ walk from major attractions like the Louvre and Seine River, costing us $1975 for four nights—a great deal for its location and amenities .

Packing Essentials for the Family

Packing for Paris requires a balance between practicality and preparedness for the city’s diverse seasons. Essentials include a baby carrier for easy navigation on public transport and in museums, and a stroller for comfortable city exploration. Clothing should be season-appropriate, with light outfits for summer and warm layers for winter. Don’t forget comfortable walking shoes that blend in with local fashion, avoiding overly casual footwear like flip flops. Additionally, packing a day pack for essentials like snacks and water bottles, which should ideally be refillable to minimize environmental impact, is advisable. It’s also wise to bring a booster seat if you plan to use taxis, as they typically do not provide one .

Day 1: Arrival in Paris

We woke up on a Thursday morning, made a few last preparations, and headed to the train station at 9:00 am. By noon, we were in Paris, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere as we took a taxi to our hotel in the Latin Quarter. I had never stayed in this area before, and it was thrilling to explore a new neighborhood right next to the historic Sorbonne .

Check-In at Family-Friendly Accommodation

Upon arrival, the Latin Quarter welcomed us with its lively streets and quaint cafes. Our chosen hotel was strategically located, just a 5-minute walk to the Luxembourg Gardens, which was perfect considering that even a low-key day could be spent enjoying the beautiful park if we decided to take it easy. Although our room wasn’t ready, the friendly hotel staff quickly accommodated us by securely storing our luggage .

First Impressions and Local Exploration

With our bags dropped off, we grabbed a picnic lunch and headed straight for Luxembourg Gardens. It was a gorgeous day and, luckily, not too crowded. We relished our lunch, sailed boats on the pond, and the kids had a fantastic time at the playground. After some delightful ice cream, we returned to the hotel for a short break, which allowed our youngest, Flora June, to nap and rejuvenate for the evening .

Our first day in Paris was about gentle exploration and settling in. After refreshing ourselves at the hotel, we ventured out to familiarize ourselves with the vibrant local scene. The area was safe, which was my top priority since it was just me and the girls. The hotel we booked, part of the Astotel chain, was not only secure but also boasted friendly staff and a fantastic location, making it perfect for our family .

As the evening approached, we were ready to dive deeper into the Parisian lifestyle, exploring nearby eateries and enjoying the casual yet bustling atmosphere of the Latin Quarter. Our hearts were set on making the most out of our 5-day adventure, and Day 1 had already given us a beautiful start .

Day 2: Paris Sightseeing

Must-See Historic Landmarks

Our second day in Paris was dedicated to exploring the city’s rich history through its iconic landmarks. We started at the Eiffel Tower, the most visited historical monument in the world, where we marveled at its 324-meter height and intricate metallic construction . Next, we visited Notre Dame Cathedral, appreciating its stunning French-Gothic architecture and the historical narratives it holds . Our tour continued to the Arc de Triomphe, which stands as a powerful symbol of French resilience and history .

Kid-Friendly Museums and Parks

Paris is not only about historic sites; it’s also a haven for family-friendly activities. We spent the afternoon at the Musée d’Orsay, where the kids enjoyed a treasure hunt trail exploring the rich collection of impressionist art . The Jardin du Luxembourg offered a perfect spot for a leisurely break, where the children could play freely while we soaked in the serene environment .

Family Dining Recommendations

Dining in Paris with kids proved to be a delightful experience. We visited a highly recommended crêperie in Le Marais, where the children savored chocolate-banana crêpes while we enjoyed savory galettes . For dinner, we chose a family-friendly restaurant in the 7e arrondissement, known for its welcoming atmosphere and delicious French cuisine, rated highly for both quality and affordability .

Day 3: The Palace of Versailles

Getting There from Paris

We found that the most convenient way to reach the Palace of Versailles was by taking the RER C train from central Paris, which dropped us right at the Versailles-Château station, just a short walk from the palace entrance .

What to See at the Palace

Upon arrival, the grand façade of the Palace of Versailles greeted us. Inside, the must-see Hall of Mirrors, with its 357 mirrors, was truly a sight to behold, reflecting the grandeur of an era where mirrors were luxuries . The Royal Apartments and the Chapel Royal were equally impressive, each telling stories of France’s royal past.

Tips for Enjoying the Visit with Kids

Our visit to the Palace of Versailles with the kids was memorable but came with its challenges. To make the most of it, we bought our tickets online to avoid long lines and chose a sensible weekday, avoiding the crowded weekends and school holidays . Arriving early, we headed straight to the palace to beat the queues, as recommended by the friendly staff at the tourist office .

We also prepared for a full day’s adventure by packing snacks and water, which proved invaluable in keeping the kids happy and energized throughout the day. Opting for the mini-train helped us cover the vast grounds without tiring the children too much. It was a fun ride that also gave us a break and allowed us to enjoy the beautiful views of the estate .

For a more engaging experience, we found that sparking the kids’ interest with fun facts about the palace and its history helped keep them entertained. We also made use of the free game booklets provided by Versailles, which are designed to make the tour more interactive and enjoyable for younger visitors .

Navigating through the palace, we took advantage of the audio guides that offered detailed narratives of the rooms, which enriched our visit significantly . Despite the crowds, which are almost unavoidable, planning our visit carefully, starting early, and using the available resources made our day both manageable and enjoyable.

Day 4: Leisure and Entertainment

Relaxation Spots in Paris

On our fourth day in Paris, we decided to take a slower pace and explore some of the city’s most serene spots. The Luxembourg Gardens, with its meticulously manicured lawns, fountains, and statues, offered us a tranquil oasis right in the heart of the city . We spent the morning lounging on the garden chairs, watching the kids sail little boats on the man-made pond, a delightful activity especially available on Wednesdays and weekends . It was simple yet so much fun, and the girls absolutely loved controlling the sailboats, choosing ones representing different countries .

Another gem we discovered was the Tuileries Garden, nestled between the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde. This picturesque green space was perfect for a leisurely stroll and a spontaneous picnic, allowing us to take a peaceful break from the bustling city life .

Entertainment for Both Kids and Adults

Paris truly shines when it comes to blending cultural richness with entertainment. In the evening, we ventured out to experience some of the city’s vibrant night-time activities. The Museum of Illusion kept us all mesmerized until late, with its doors open until 10 pm on weekends . For a unique twist, we took a guided night tour of the Louvre, an enchanting experience that even our teenager appreciated.

Seeking more adventure, we opted for a Tuk Tuk ride through Paris by night, a fun and engaging way to see the city lights and landmarks from a different perspective . The kids were thrilled with the electric scooter rides, and we even considered the electric quad bikes for a more adrenaline-pumping tour around the city .

Our day was filled with a delightful mix of relaxation and entertainment, capturing the essence of Paris that caters to every age and interest. This balanced approach ensured that our family could enjoy both the peaceful and lively sides of Paris, making Day 4 a memorable part of our Paris itinerary.

Days 5 : Disneyland Paris Adventure

Our final days at Disneyland Paris were nothing short of magical, filled with unforgettable rides, character encounters, and delectable dining experiences that catered to every palate in the family.

Tips for Visiting Disneyland Paris

To make the most of our visit, we arrived early each day, taking advantage of the shorter morning queues. We also utilized the Disneyland Paris app to check ride times and secure FastPasses for popular attractions, which significantly reduced our waiting times. Packing essentials like sunscreen, hats, and water bottles was crucial, especially since the days were sunny and warm .

Top Attractions for Families

Disneyland Paris offers a plethora of rides that are perfect for kids aged 5 to 9, including the thrilling Big Thunder Mountain and the enchanting Pirates of the Caribbean. Our kids were particularly fond of Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast, where they could interactively shoot targets and score points. For a more whimsical experience, we soared through the skies on Flying Carpets over Agrabah, which was a hit with the younger ones .

Where to Eat in Disneyland

Dining at Disneyland Paris was a delightful experience, with over 50 themed restaurants offering everything from luxurious sit-down meals to quick snacks. Bistrot Chez Rémy in the Worlds of Pixar area was a family favorite, where we enjoyed gourmet French cuisine in a setting inspired by the movie Ratatouille. For a classic American dining experience, we visited Walt’s – An American Restaurant on Main Street, U.S.A., which offered a mix of American cuisine with a French touch. At Auberge de Cendrillon in Fantasyland, the kids were thrilled to dine in a real-life medieval banquet hall while meeting Disney Princesses .

Each meal was not just about eating but an extension of our Disney adventure, making every dining experience memorable. The variety of food options ensured that there was something to satisfy everyone, from the pickiest of eaters to those with special dietary needs, making our culinary journey as exciting as our adventures in the parks .


Our five-day Parisian adventure offers a comprehensive guide for families seeking to embark on an unforgettable journey through the City of Lights. From the momentous viewing of historic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe to the enchanting experiences at Disneyland Paris, this itinerary caters to the adventurous spirit within each family member. It skillfully combines cultural enrichment with moments of leisure and entertainment, ensuring that both adults and children find joy and fascination in every day spent exploring Paris.

Reflecting on our journey, the blend of sightseeing, relaxation, and fun underscores the importance of planning and flexibility in creating a fulfilling family vacation. The insights and recommendations provided aim to streamline the travel experience, making it more enjoyable and less daunting for parents. As families consider their next escape, this Paris itinerary stands as a testament to the magic that awaits in blending history with modern-day wonders, promising an array of delightful memories .

Sacre-Coeur-Montmartre-Paris-The 10 Most Beautiful Walks to Explore Paris with Family

Sacre Coeur Montmartre Paris


1. What is an ideal duration for a family trip to Paris with children?
A month in Paris would still leave plenty to be explored, but a five-day trip is an excellent duration for families to experience major attractions like the Eiffel Tower and the Tuileries Garden.

2. Is a five-day visit sufficient to experience Paris?
Yes, a five-day stay in Paris allows you to enjoy many of the city’s essential experiences. While it might be tight to include a day trip outside the city, you can certainly enjoy the quintessential Parisian highlights during this time.

3. Would you recommend Paris for a family vacation?
Absolutely! Paris is a fantastic destination for families, offering a wide range of attractions suitable for all ages, from the famous Eiffel Tower to the picturesque streets of Montmartre. It’s a city that can fulfill the dream of any visitor, regardless of age.

4. What budget should you plan for a five-day family trip to Paris?

Planning a family trip to Paris is an exciting venture, but managing your budget effectively is crucial. A well-thought-out budget can help you make the most of your five-day stay in the City of Light without financial stress.

Accommodation Costs

Accommodation is one of the primary expenses on any trip. For a family of four, you can expect to spend anywhere from €150 to €300 per night for a decent hotel or Airbnb in central Paris. Opting for accommodations slightly outside the city center can significantly reduce costs without sacrificing comfort.

Food and Dining

Paris offers a wide range of dining options, from budget-friendly eateries to high-end restaurants. On average, you might spend around €10 to €20 per person for a casual meal. For a family of four, budgeting around €100 per day for food should cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including some delightful French pastries and snacks.


Getting around Paris is relatively easy and affordable, thanks to its efficient public transportation system. A five-day Navigo Découverte pass costs around €22.80 per person and provides unlimited travel on the metro, buses, and trams. For a family of four, this comes to approximately €90, which is a cost-effective way to explore the city.

Attractions and Entertainment

Paris is home to numerous attractions, many of which have entry fees. Popular sites like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Disneyland Paris can add up. Budgeting around €300 for family tickets to major attractions should provide a comfortable margin. Don’t forget to include some free activities like strolling along the Seine or visiting public parks.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Finally, it’s wise to allocate a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses and shopping. Setting aside around €200 should cover souvenirs, small emergencies, and other miscellaneous costs.

In summary, a well-planned budget for a five-day family trip to Paris should be around €2,000 to €2,500, depending on your preferences and spending habits. Careful planning ensures that you can enjoy all that Paris has to offer without financial worries.



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