Upright Go is the smart health  connected object we have all been waiting for since it aims to fight back pain.

Upright Go was unveiled on the crowdfuniding site Kickstarter in March 2019. Its particularity: to focus on the upper back and help people who work sitting all day to stand and sit properly. Those who are reading this slumped article in their chairs probably know what I’m talking about.


Like its predecessor, which focused only on the lower back, the UpRight Go was designed to be a discreet solution (unless you are on the beach) to wear under clothing. Once you have managed to find someone to fix it on your back, the device is able to track and correct your posture by giving you tips to prevent pain.

This information must be completed on the companion application. For example, you will be asked how many hours a day you sit, if you are uncomfortable, and what your daily goals are. The goal is to personalize the boards as much as possible.


Obviously, since back pain is the disease of the century, there are other devices and other products (such as clothing) that can help you correct your posture. Like almost all of these other devices, you should receive haptic information in real time; a bit like with a sports coach.

There are currently no details on the product availability or shipping date. However, we already know the price. You can pre-order one of these products for $ 59; 40% reduction on the retail price.

If you are interested in this product, you can go to Amazon to buy!



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